This was posted 7 years 9 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Trek TOS on Blu Ray £12.58 (~ AUD $21.68) Delivered @ Amazon UK


Me thinks this is a bargain - I bought my copy at double this price a year ago - I wish I could buy this now….
May help someone looking for the best Star Trek IMHO ever.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    TOS > all other sci-fi combined.

    • +1

      What?!?! Are some kind of fanbo… oh.

  • +4

    It really is the best series of the Star Trek universe.

  • +8

    Captains log, star date 29/5/17. Have encountered strange post with incorrect pricing. Am sending an away team with unknown security personal who will no doubt die.

  • +1

    Look under "Additional Blu-ray options".

    "New from" price is 10.80gbp and it ships from Amazon.

  • I bought the series on Blu-Ray when it was first released on individual discs. A thin slice of fried gold dipped in awesome sauce!

  • +9

    Here you go a correct URL link, also if you don't mind a 1 to 4 week wait for dispatch. In other words currently not in stock and in back order status, sorry OP.…

    This is a bargain price although. I paid around $100 a few years ago for all the seasons for this on blu-ray and back then that was a good price.

  • +1

    It’s a bargain, but not as we know it.. Bought it thanks!

  • Bought, cheers!

  • Thanks, got one.

  • +1

    Looking forward to seeing Kirk fight Gorn in high definition! Thanks, OP.

    • I like that they filmed it in slow motion.

  • Thanks

  • +1

    Picked up Season one on HD-DVD during the format wars a few years ago. Got Season 2 and 3 last year on bluray. This is a good price.

  • +5

    I bought my copy at double this price a year ago - I wish I could buy this now

    Dammit Shiraj, I'm an Ozbargainer not a Time Lord.

  • Thanks. Got one.

  • Thanks heaps, perfect gift for my Treky father

  • +1

    Do i need this… And would i actually watch this….argh

  • Does the fact it's BR make a difference? Like enlarged/remastered or whatever to make use of the res.

    • It was shot on film, the transfer is true 1080p. The blu ray features updated visual effects, but you can choose to view the original version.

    • +1

      It's down to the source material. Resolution isn't usually the problem (film doesn't technically have a fixed resolution) as opposed to the degradation of the source over time assuming the studio is not maintaining their negatives. If Star Wars was not remastered when it was, it could have been lost forever the negatives were so degraded.

      So, all that said, remastering is mostly just restoration unless the source was shot on lower quality film e.g. 8mm or 16mm. 35mm and larger film e.g. 65mm/70mm contains way more information than even 4K can display.

  • +1

    any deals on tng?

    • I'm after TNG as well, but deffo snagging this deal

  • +1

    Thank you, OP.

    I've always loved the original series & to get TWENTY BRD's, shipped to AU from UK for just over $20, is nuts!

    Thanks again!


    • TWENTY BRD's, shipped to AU from UK for just over $20, is nuts!

      You are right!

  • +4

    Great deal. I'm glad this was posted because I can now link this relevant comic. I won't spoil it but it's amazing to think that Star Trek may never have existed had events in the comic been different.

  • thanks OP

  • +1

    Good deal been watching this last few weeks. Best star trek imho

  • Already got the DVDs otherwise I'd be all over this. A great series.

  • Great price, tempted, though I'll probably just watch them on Netflix (also the HD remastered versions)…

  • Great deal thanks for posting OP!

  • Thanks OP! Got one. Cheers

  • comes up £49.95 for me :(

  • I bought both box sets earlier. Cheers

  • Thanks OP bought one. :)

  • Was on the fence and decided not to. Apparently the concensus is New Generation for first exposure to Star Trek, although I was on the fence for ages! Hope everyone enjoys it.

    • NG is the series I really want to start with but will have to wait for a future sale to come up. I've watched some of TOS, it's very dated now but all of the classic Trekkie characters are in it, plus it's a region free BR copy so can't complain for the price!

  • Expired ;-; . someone upload to piratebay

  • Are these on pre-sale/backorder? I noticed mine is not getting shipped out from the warehouse for several weeks. First time shopping on Amazon.

    • yep - this was on a "shipping in 1-4 weeks" thingy….

  • anyone got theirs yet? mine still hasn't been shipped

    • Nope… no sign yet.

  • Get this. I emailed through their site with item no. & details & got an apology & that it would ship soon, but they would also give me money back as an appeaser.

    I'm only fussed as I'm moving house next week & don't trust idiot AUPost.

    Later today, I get ANOTHER email saying they'd credited my account for X dollars—- but for an unrelated dvd set I got>> last year???

    I sent it back asking what drugs they were on.


  • Yep. Mine is "Dispatching Soon" with the estimated arrival date of today.

  • Yes, same here. ETA is today but "Dispatching Soon"

  • +1

    Mine is "Estimated arrival date: August 02 2017 - August 16 2017". Less Star Trek, more Lost in Space. Ah well. As long as it gets here eventually….. :-)

    • Mine has fallen down one of the Jefferies tubes.

      • +1

        Damn it Kirk, I'm a doctor not an ozbargainer….

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