So I was studying the velocity points 15% bonus transfer offer going on right now. Virgin has a handy calculator page where you can plug in your bank, card type and outstanding points. One thing that strikes me is it shows the minimum transferable point for various cards.…
I think this is a very valuable metric when deciding to choose a card. I am lucky that ANZ is only 2 pts as my card is new and have less than 5000 pts. So far I have found out
- ANZ - 2 pts
- AMEX - 2000 pts
- Flybuys / Coles MC = 2000 pts
- NAB - 3000 pts
- St George/BoM/BankSA - 3000 pts (auto redemption only)
- CBA - 3600 pts
- HSBC - 5000 pts
- Diners - 7500 pts
- Citibank - 20000 pts
- Westpac - 25000 pts
- Suncorp - 25000 pts
- BOQ - 30000 pts
The 2-3k ones are workable but some of the higher ones are pretty ridiculous