Hey All
Basically just wanting the opinion or advice of fellow Oz-bargainers
I am going to China next month, Has anyone here been shopping in China recently and can comment on the price of the products you would usually find on Ozbargin. Can you buy Xiaomi products cheaper in China? or will be it be generally the same price from Banggood, Everybuying, Gearbest, Ali Express etc
Last night i was going to buy a Mi Drone 4K for $650AUD + 4% cashback from Banggood but decided to cancel to order for the hope to buy the drone directly from a Xiaomi seller in China for a cheaper price.
Thank you in advance
Will be cheaper in China as you aren't dealing with a reseller targeting foreign markets. Check out TaoBao(world.taobao.com) for an indicative price - 472AUD from this seller.