I was wondering what people's thoughts are on Lemon vehicles? When is it right for the government to step in under the Australian Consumer Law and say this enough is enough and to do something about certain situations? My 2013 Ford Focus has had 5 clutch replacements and all Fiesta/Focus models are affected from 2011-16. The new Fiesta's still have the same transmission with the clutch issues which is a disgrace! I look forward to some opinions on this.
Ford Fiesta/Focus Lemons!

I love lemons
when life gives you lemons then make lemonade!
contact some media outlets and ask for help
drive.com.auhave you spoken to Ford Head Office?
Have you spoken to the ACCC and lodged a complaint?
I already know about all these, I just wanted to see what people thought on such issues that big companies get away with and what else can be done to bring justice!
and what else can be done to bring justice!
If there is already a class action in court and you want some other form of justice, then that's easy. The OzBargain answer is -
Destruction crowd fund!
FIVE clutch replacement in four years? Oh dear, that's shocking. Is Ford unable to provide a permanent remedy and just hoping you'll go away eventually, or just refuse warranty service by claiming you're abusing the clutch? I know Ford's PowerShit transmission has a legendary status only rivaled by VW's DSG, for five clutches in four years is absolutely foul.
There is tens of thousands affected here and worldwide and yet Ford have not done a recall on 2011-onwards. Ford is absolutely useless in all of this, but it is hitting their pockets and their profits big time as people start talking about their treatment of their customers and how they still do nothing to stop it.
then you should be approaching the regulatory government body to assist you in this situation. - my opinion, which you asked for.
Shoulda bought a camry
You didn't happen to look at upgrading that car recently did you?
Had a customer come into my previous Holden dealership recently quoting a car like yours that had suffered a number of issues with the gearbox.
Buy a Camry.
only d…heads drive fords… i should know… i drive one but i dont whinge about it, albeit a 4ltr. best 12 hundred bucks i ever spent… 6 years and still running sweet. it tows a trailer/caravan and drags off MOST hatchbacks and 4wd's that cost 20 - 30 times as much.
Best to avoid buying them, best to get rid of them.