This was posted 7 years 9 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Play Fallout 4 Free May 26-29 on PC (Steam) & Xbox


The free weekend kicks off 10am PT on May 25, and runs until 1pm PT on May 28. Players will have full access to all Fallout 4 base content & mods. Hopefully I've done the AEST conversion correctly. Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • Thanks Tightarse, I'm going to write in to Cashrewards and tell them I had a great experience with tight arse.

  • Thanks

  • +2

    This is an epic game. Highly recommend giving it a go.

  • Plenty of time to finish the game no need to ever pay

  • +1

    Bored the shit out of me when it came out and I borrowed from the library. Sunk a good 8 hours in and nothing.

    I'll try again when this pops up, assuming I don't need Gold and can actually play it, I'll come back here hopefully with a changed opinion.

    • I own it and don't play it, its a boring game. I like Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3, but this? Naaa.

      • +5

        you are both doing it wrong

        • +2

          Without mods the game is either tedious resource gathering to build a piss poor base or play missions like where the Brotherhood say "We don't trust you, here's another Promotion and please lead us on an important mission.". Erk…

          I played with some mods, and it dramatically changed the base building but they do nothing for the quests.

        • +1

          @FabMan: never bothered with base building, only enough to tick quest needs. Constantly had stuff to do, which is more interesting to me than pointless FPS. Was good to have three different stories at the same time (1 story from 3 views?). The world was interesting and some good surprises along the way (pirate ship for example). Overall it took weeks to complete and no where near the grind fest that most FPS are.

        • +1


          Base building is the worst part of the game.

      • I really liked Fallout 4. Tried playing NV afterwards and having a lot of difficulty maintaining interest in it. Maybe NV gets better but it's pretty slow at the moment and crafting is confusing so pretty tricky working out what to carry and what to throw… is 3 similar to NV?

        • +3

          New Vegas has an awesome story line, it's brilliant, but the start is slow and the gameplay lacks a bit. Two mods really fix it, one is based on bug fixing the other on improving the action.

          Fallout 3 has a bit more of a shallow story, but its still enjoyable but the gameplay is more tight.

          Those two mods are essential, other mods can improve things too, especially visuals, bit those are the necessary ones as I see it.

        • +1

          Every time I look at the mod pages it seems like there is a mess of files and instructions. It's been something that has pushed me to avoid some of the modding, plus the fact that some of the mods require executables that contain who knows what.
          For example MMUE has 37 downloads. Are all required? What is AWOP? What is FOOK? etc Is there a good clear step by step, single package instructions somewhere?

        • +1

          @g1: Yeah, it isn't easy to do. The guys making the mods have to do it that way unfortunately for compatibility reasons and that Bethesda didn't make it easy despite the Construction Set.

          Okay, quick guide:
          - From this link download NVSE and extract the files into your New Vegas folder.
          - Using this link, Sign Up to Nexus website.
          - Download NMM Installer at the top of Nexus website and install it. Useful for modding many other games too.
          - On the files page for 'Mission Mojave' download 'MMUE 12', then 'MMUE 12 Beta 1' and scroll down to download 'Project Nevada - All DLC Patch Patch'
          - At Project Nevada download 'Project Nevada 2_5'
          - At this page, go to files and download 'Project Nevada - DLC Support 1_3'.

          Now run the NMM application, log in using the Nexus website details. In the application there should be a way to import the downloaded mods from the zip files. As long as you didn't rename the zip files, NMM can figure out the details of each mod.

          Important step, when you import the files they will appear in NNM. However, patches to a mod can have the same name as the mod, making it tricky to know the order of installation. So import the mods in the order I've listed below and install each mod after importing them. When asked to override, confirm all and the newest will override the oldest files.

          1) Mission Mojave 12
          2) Mission Mojave 12 beta 1
          3) Project Neveda
          4) Project Nevada all DLC
          5) Mission Mojave Nevada patch all DLC

          Afterwards all this, you can start the game. But you'll want to run it from NVSE, as that allows the mods to work. So at top left of NMM, arrow down next to run game, choose NVSE. You can dump a shortcut of NVSE to your desktop, run it from NMM or modify Steam somehow (forgotten) to run that file.

          Complicated stuff, but turns a good game amazing. Tons of other mods improve visuals, but they aren't as critical. I'm at work, using mobile and haven't done this in a year or so. So forgive errors please.

  • +1

    Doesn't let you preload so you can't download the game (30GB) and any mods (e.g. the high texture pack at 58GB) in your own time.

  • only 96 hours….. sounds like a pretty quick play through


    Just a heads up d00ds.

  • Thanks Op! Too many options now this weekend. They're doing Overwatch Free Play (PC) as well!
    So many pew pew pew in so little time!

  • +1

    Hope you are having a fun holiday.

    • +1

      Oh I'm definately having a great holiday,in fact I'm taking the kids to Disneyland for the winter break. They are too young to enjoy it to the full extent but are old enough to remember I took them. After all they have to take care of themselves when they grow older. I remember when I was a kid, in 1998,The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in A Cell,and plummeted 4.88M through an anouncer's table.

  • +4

    Fallout 4, IMHO, is really quite an amazing title.

    There's an enormous amount of content that gives the game a huge degree of variety and re-playability.

    • +3

      I have 830 hours played and I am still discovering new areas; just did vault 75 for the first time the other day for instance. I haven't even bothered with Nuka World yet. And mods just make it even better.

      • Yeah, exactly. Hey, nice work; that's one hell of a play through!

        Nuka-World is okay IMHO, if you enjoy the atmosphere of the game and getting into the lore I think you'll like it. Nuka-World, It's definitely unique, which is something that I really did love about it, but I'd preferred Far Harbour.

        I really just couldn't agree more about the mods aspect, I think that it absolutely make F4 that much better than the Vanilla title. Honestly, playing with specific mods versus Vanilla and it can almost be like exploring a completely different title. I'm stuck to using an XB1, so no doubt PC users will be used to using mods on different titles, but I really enjoyed being able to use mods on the console and the varied experiences.

      • Yeah. Criticisms about the story are valid IMO but the gameplay and exploration are fantastic. Put in 660 hours and, likewise, havn't even seen all the contect. Survival mode is incredibly immersive.

        • What is survival mode?

        • Player and enemies die more easily so you gotta be careful, gotta eat and drink, no fast travel, sleep to save.

  • lol, try a full-on RPG in 3 days…

    Good game though.

    • +1

      Speed run.

      • My personal best is 5 1/2 hours. Did take around 10 attempts to perfect though.

  • +1

    ive got a busy weekend…. hardly gonna get a chance

    • +2

      Surely would spend most of it downloading in Australia? (Unless on fttp)

      • That's right. Assuming you're downloading the game + hd pack, it would take 25 hours alone to do so at 1 Megabyte/s.

        • -1

          And for those who work in MBits that is roughly 10MBit connection going 100%

      • -1

        fttp 50/20 so no issues there lol.

  • It is showing as $32.98 for me. Can someone please tell me how can i download it?

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