Looks like an Anniversary offer.
Found it via the Facebook prize pack they have going as well.
Looks like an Anniversary offer.
Found it via the Facebook prize pack they have going as well.
Console versions are also $49 at Big W from tomorrow.
Or ~$30 when buying from the European Battle.net store. No VPN needed, just change the domain from us.battle.net to eu.battle.net
Or even better getting GOTY edition from mexican store for $35, this is done with making an extra mexican based battle.net account and gifting it to your main account.
I did this last night and haven't received the gift on my main account yet..
did you receive it yet?
is this still available?
Thanks beccatan!
I almost went for EB Games for $49.97 (PC Edition) until I saw this!
Sorry do we know how long this goes for at this price?
Is this game locked to the registered player?
Even I have the game installed on the computer I cannot share it with other user on the same computer?
Add origin's edition to the title :)