Bearded Dragon - UVB Coil/ Compact Bulb Good or Bad?

Hey all!

I just got my first ever Bearded Dragon. He's about 4 months old. I've currently got my whole set up done, however I'm using a 13W UVB Coil Bulb. I've read on many forums that these are bad and I should instead use a tube light. However, these forums were fairly old so the manufacturing of these lights could've changed to become less harmful. When I went to buy my set-up, the clerk at the store had said that Coil bulb was perfectly fine and that she had been breeding dragons for 10 years. The breeder I have received him from also uses coil bulb.

If someone has a lot of experience with these animals, please provide your input and reasoning as to why it's bad or good. The last thing I want to do is harm the poor lil fella.


  • I had to Google "Bearded Dragon" to work out what you were talking about! haha

  • +2

    I'm taking it that Bearded Dragon is a Euphamism. With that in mind, I'd give him an Irish Breakfast or a Filthy Lopez. Up to you.


    Apparently Bearded dragons require UVB lights to process calcium in their diet. Without processing this calcium, their bodies will use calcium from their bones, therefore weakening them. Multivitamin supplements, a proper diet, and a UVB light is necessary to keeping a bearded dragon safe from MBD. (<-info taken from wikipedia)

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