Hi peeps, I have currently finished my study (at least for now) and preparing for PTE Academic Test for immigration purpose. Anybody can help me with any sort of suggestion, resources or wisdom would be very thankful. (BTW i am not a native speaker)
Does Pearson GOLD TEST PREPARATION KIT (A$ 59.99) helpful for preparation and worth the money?
I have learned that there are several coaching centre for PTE A Exam preparation. Any thoughts about those?
You should probably consult your local library for some English textbook and some IELTS preparation books. Your sentence structure/grammar requires quite a bit of practice judging by the above text.
I would start with that first, and after a couple of months of intense practice move on to more advanced preparation kits as then you will get the most out of it.
The coaching centres might help but are expensive. I had a friend who spent a fortune on lessons from test markers and yet after 7 attempts he is still trying. His problems was that he thought kit and test centres are a quick fix.
The only sure thing to get you through is practice, lots of practice and commitment.