This was posted 7 years 9 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Current Nintendo eShop deals (3DS / Wii U)


I saw ellamasarms' post the other day and it reminded me to check my 3DS and see what's on sale. While that post only covers some of the better deals, this one will cover them all. Depending on if anyone cares, I'll update this every time something new gets put up on the store. I'd do the same for PSN and Xbox but, aside from the fact there's often hundreds of things on sale at a time, they also are easily accessible online and therefore it wouldn't be necessary, maybe one day Nintendo will wise up and let us buy stuff online, until then…

Here's what's up on the 3DS side of things

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition - $6.50, was $26 (75% off) Ends 25/5
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice - $19.97, was $39.95 (50% off) Ends 25/5
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - $17.98, was $44.95 (60% off) Ends 25/5
Mega Man Legacy Collection - $9.18, was $22.95 (60% off) Ends 25/5
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies - $12.78, was $39.95 (68% off) Ends 25/5
Terraria - $14.47, was $28.95 (50% off) Ends 1/6
Xeodrifter - $2.92, was $11.70 (75% off) Ends 1/6
Mutant Mudds - $3.37, was $13.50 (75% off) Ends 1/6
Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge - $3.25, was $13 (75% off) Ends 1/6 (cross buy, buy one get the other for free)
Resident Evil Revelations - $11.64, was $49.95 (76% off) Ends 25/5
Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D - $5.20, was $13 (60% off) Ends 25/5
SpeedX 3D - $2.25, was $4.50 (50% off) Ends 25/5
Justice Chronicles - $9.10, was $13 (30% off) Ends 25/5
Lionel City Builder 3D: Rise of the Rails - $4.99, was $6.50 (23% off) Ends 25/5
Chronus Arc - $6.50, was $13 (50% off) Ends 25/5
Art of Balance Touch - $7.85, was $10.50 (25% off) Ends 1/6
Castle Conqueror EX - $3.52, was $7.05 (50% off) Ends 8/6
Sweet Memories Blackjack - $3.52, was $7.95 (50% off) Ends 8/6
Pinball Breakout - $7, was $10 (30% off) Ends 1/6
Breakout Defense - $7, was $10 (30% off) Ends 15/6

And the Wii U

DuckTales: Remastered - 6.43, was 19.50
Terraria - 13, was 26
Resident Evil: Revelations - 7.19, was 59.95
Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara - 5.26, was 19.50
Bit Dungeon+ - 3.50, was 7.50
Mutant Mudds: Super Challenge - 3.25, was 13 (cross buy, buy one get the other for free)
forma.8 - 9.75, was 19.50
Midnight 2 - 2.08, was 2.60
Back to Bed - 6.49, was 12.99
Hot Rod Racer - 0.78, was 1.30
Maze Break - 5, was 10
Breakout Defense - 5, was 10
Soul Axiom 9.75, was 19.50
ZaciSa: Defense of the Crayon Dimensions - 1.17, was 1.95

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closed Comments

    • +6

      I rather
      It's aussie, and @Vook is an Ozbargainer.

      • thanks for that website. I will be using it cos i'm into nintendo stuff in general. I will still use the other site though as its much simpler and shows exactly what i want for what is on sale.

  • +2

    any for Switch?

    • +2

      Switch has games?

    • Nothing yet, but hopefully when the VC drops and there's a bit more happening on it's store they'll do a good sale. I've picked up 15 or so digital games already though, so odds are all the ones I want I'll already own by the time a sale rolls round.

  • I wonder what has motivated all these sales, that the Switch is here or both consoles are easily hackable?

  • Wow. An actual sale on 3DS games. That'd almost have to be a first.

    I own over 60 games for my PS4 and have 400+ titles in my Steam library, but I have a grand total of 6 games for my 3DS because Nintendo never allow anything in a physical store to go on sale, and when they do have a 'sale' on the estore, it's usually 33% off or something insignificant like that. It blows my mind that Fire Emblem Awakening (admittedly an excellent game) has been $65 since it came out in like 2013.

    Regardless, if you love detective stories and quirky-but-lovable characters, but for some reason you haven't played Phoenix Wright yet, buy all of the PW games right now. They're the reason I bought a 3DS.

    • I have

      192 Sony titles (PS1,2,3,4, PSP, Vita)
      164 PC/Steam
      50 Nintendo (GC, Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS)
      37 Microsoft (Xbox, 360)

      I have hardly ANY third party titles on Nintendo.

      Fun Fact: I have the most number of titles on the Vita (59).

    • -3

      The company sells their product at a "premium" because they are premium products, thats their "deal". Generally more polished then the rest of the industry, it is what it is. Not sure if that particular game is from the Nintendo company or maybe one of their associates. Gamer types might not like it on the internet but thats what that company is about.

      They dont treat their games like a factory line product thing the way the industry is now.

      Gaming is an expensive hobby, we are very privileged now with entertainment options compared to the 90s-80s even early 2000s. Perhaps if its too expensive you can try playing mobile games or tic tac toe. Mobile actually has some decent stuff! Xbox is great and cheaper, Steam caters well to those that perhaps work on a smaller budget maybe and arent really that into video games but enjoy summer steam sales to collect em all.

      • You are joking right? Say that to the Crappy TN panels on everybodys New 3ds Xl , At lauch it was all IPS, then it was 50/50 then at the end of 2016 every 3DS had a peice of shit TN panel

        Nintendo Love to cut costs, They are all for Profit company.

        • Haha. Lol I didn't know that! Tn for all now

        • -3

          Your average joe doesnt really care about that very minor aspect of "spec" tech nerd culture stuff. With that said, maybe with those their are some "issues"/"flaws" with the multiple budgeted handhelds lines, but that doesnt change the quality approach being a reality. Thats the way the company works, they treat their games/systems as premium products within the industry. Similar to Apple. Compared to the way other home/mobile systems are handled, they still come up smelling like roses regardless. Pobody's Nerfect however. People drink Coke, Pepsi over RC cola for a reason. Lol.

          Even then thats somewhat of a minor nitpick to your average game fan, but i can see that one point compared to some other points somewhat.

          Even if that screen stuff is not particularly something im fond of or the incremental upgrades and extensive alternative versions….

          Of course they are for profit, as are all companies.

        • @BNN:
          Nah Nintendo games nowadays are all copy paste mocap cgi fest quicktime event movies.
          See latest Zelda. Basically a Far Cry clone. Wouldn't buy it until its <$20. More cutscene than boring gameplay.

        • +1
    • +1

      One good thing about Nintendo games being priced high consistently though is that I put more thought into every purchase and I tend to finish these games unlike stuff I buy on Steam (impulse purchases because cheap, even though I also try to exercise a great deal of restraint and only have about 30 Steam games).

      The Ace Attorney series is great, I would've recommended my sister to try them except she had to recently send off her (newly gifted) 3DS to be repaired as she opened it up to a console with a really obvious black line running straight down the bottom screen. :( I wonder if the sale will last until her 3DS comes back…

      • Hopefully the sale continues, hopefully repaired sooner then later.

      • Once she gets that 3DS back, sell it and buy her a used perfect condition top IPS panel 3DS … I just bought my sister a used IPS top panel Blue 3DS, and now Doing a panel swap "not recommended, its too hard" for my Neices Pink 3DS that i just bought her. then after you gave her a IPS 3DS , Install CFW "custom firm ware" for her to give her Freegames, that why i bought these consoles for them :3

        • +1

          She doesn't care about IPS/TN screens, she's just happy to have a 3DS for Nintendo games. She'll probably be happier when it comes back from repair though lol.

        • @Mitsun:

          You're not a nice brother :P , i buy my family the best devices , Once you see the IPS 3ds you can't go back, the contrast level is too good

    • "Wow. An actual sale on 3DS games. That'd almost have to be a first."

      These particular 3DS games go on sale (eshop) every 3 months, they just don't usually get posted on here.

  • Thanks TheDukeOfNukem!

    Might try and get me the Duck Tales: Remastered.

  • Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara i heard was tip top. Not sure if its new, heard it was a reworking.

  • OR install CFW .. not that hard

  • I take it you need to own a 3ds and download them directly onto the device? i.e. I can't buy them online with my account and download them onto a 3ds when I get one soon?

    • Would get street fighter and RE Revelations if I could.

    • +1

      Yup. It's the epitome of stupid.

      • Yeah, that's just silly. Oh well no sales from me for nintendo…

  • Do deals like this happen frequently, like Xbox live for example?

    • +1

      There's always something on. PlayStation is pretty consistent with regular flash sales, a deal of the week every week, and a bunch of varying other discounts, in addition to big sales every few months. Xbox does similar stuff, though no weekly deal and their deals are usually on a lower number overall, though they just did the big backward compatibility sale. Nintendo usually always have something on sale, but a fair few of the same games will regularly pop up too, but of the 3, Nintendo definitely do the least overall.

      • Thanks for the info. I wasn't super clear above - but was specifically asking about Nintendo - which you covered anyway. Xbox online service and deals are great. Looking to get into the Nintendo world of gaming so hope they aren't too far behind in too many ways lol. Cheers.

  • Oh 3ds sales. Those games must suck to the level that all-for-profit Nintendo has to put them on sales.

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