A band of determined Russian soldiers fight to hold a strategic building in their devastated city against a ruthless German army, and in the process become deeply connected to a Russian woman who has been living there. In Stalingrad, directed by Fedor Bondarchuk, the scale of the battle contrasts dramatically with the human drama of the Russian soldiers, the few remaining civilians and their invaders into Stalingrad.
FREE HD Movie Rental @ Microsoft: Stalingrad

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Are you using an US account?
Nope. Australian Microsoft account.
Well I don't know what TA & Clear did to make it work but it sure didn't work on my AU account. Only when I switched to my US account was I able to redeem and watch the movie.
Alright, I have figured out how it works.
AU account with AU credit card = Error
US account without credit card = OK
AU account without credit card = OKSame error here with my AU MS account.
It's not linked to an AU CC, but it is linked to my AU PaypalI have no payment information registered with my AU account and I still can't 'buy' this movie from the US store.
EDIT: I logged out of the Microsoft store, logged back in, and it worked.
I'm getting the same error. The URL listed is also the en-us store. If you change it to en-au then you'll see it's not 'free'.
I logged in and logged out like Greenlego above said and it worked for me after getting the same error
Thank you both, that did the trick.
Says it expires 6/3/2017 (presumably 3 June 2017?).
It's a free rental, not ownership.
Wish it was to keep
You never hear about Ruth when she's in an army, but when she's not it's all they can talk about. When did Ruth become such an important military asset anyway
Bad reviews at IMDb.
IMO Enemy at the Gates is better.
the song by joel is not bad
Wrong grad. Leningrad
Billy should try singing
The Russian life was very sad
And such was life in St. PetersburgLol
decent movie if you're not too fussy about the plot, like the German would easily tear down the building but they decide to send in their troops in small waves…
I didnt realise how close germany got to total domination of russia. My own rumour theory was they froze unprepared due to russian winter, but they got seriously close to Moscow. Stalingrad is as close as they got.
Stalingrad…now Volgagrad…is a fair way from Moscow. it was part of Germany's 1943 summer offensive - Case Blue - which aimed to conquer the Caucasus. Von Paulus 6th army advanced as far as Stalingrad on the Volga. Essentially the battle is seen as a strategic turning point on the Eastern Front.
Germans actually were on Moscow's fringe at on of the trolleybus last station. They just decided to focus on different targets and not waste their resources on that.
A movie is horrible by the way. don't waste yore time on kremlins bullshit propaganda.Just curious of those downvoters. Care to explain? Didn't you know that Germans were actually at the Moscow fringe or just love brainwash from putin?
Oooo, I've been meaning to watch this.
Works for me AU, no cc, looks like a well made movie.
Why is there an expiry date?
It just does like any other browser beside Internet Explorer.
the 1993 German version is much better. Told from the German side, worth checking out
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108211/I almost spat my coffee when the above person said it got bad reviews.
The German version is amazing.
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History – Ghosts of the Ostfront Series is an amazing look into the conflicts at the Eastern Front of WW2.
Might pay to rent it anyway, apparently its a great flick. Firing up the Surface book as we speak.
Sell your soul to Gates
Needs to be added to the title that it's free RENTAL.
She has six fathers. Great movie indeed
title should be changed to add "Rental" as it has expiry date on it.
This is a bad movie from both historical and artistic points of view, as most of the movies of Feodor Bondarchuk. Unlike the great movies of his father Sergei Bondarchuk. If you want to watch truly great movies about the war, watch his father's. E.g., Fate of a Man, They fought for their Country etc. You will not be dissapointed and maybe you will partially understand how Russians felt about the great war. Sergei and most of his actors fought in it themselves.
If you want a modern one, watch Panfilov's 28 Men. I even found it on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkG_xwxaT6Q&t=1s it's not as good as Sergei's masterpeices, but it is accurate from historical point of view at least.
I would also recommend to watch Fortress of War (2010). Much better than this version about Stalingrad battle.
Thanks for the info, I have not watched that one. Will watch it myself.
It's on Aussie Netflix too btw
Everyone should watch Stalingrad filmed by Vilsmaier in 1993 and not this one.
for those that have netflix it is on there.
oops didn't refresh the page. too late.
This has been on Netflix for ages. Get with the times.
Not everybody has Netflix.
Don't waste your time on it guys. The director has made himself a laughingstock in Russia by producing high quality crap like this movie. It's got 5.7/10 on the Russian IMDB. If you want to enjoy a really good Russian film then watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYGOmxbX0hM or this https://vimeo.com/album/3439826. Both come with English subs. Cheers.
What a complete POS this movie is.
I will never get that 2 hours and 10 minutes of my life back.
Honestly if you paid me $10 to watch it again I wouldn't do it.
Free offer is for US store: www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/ You get this error when trying to redeem it.
$4.99 HD/$3.99 SD on Australian store