Hey guys,
I'm new to the forum so wanted to say a quick hello and give a brief intro.
I'm working on a new project at the moment and something that came up again and again at work seems to be the different ways in which everyone manages receipts. My colleagues all seemed to be shocked when I suggested that I kept mine in my wallet or in my sock draw, whereas they seem to use a little bit more of a sophisticated system by means of a personal organizer or file.
I was wondering how everyone else currently keep track of them all?
On the iPhone I use Scannable and then send it to Google Drive. In Google Drive, I have folders either by the financial year or by type (ie Home Related). Then most of the time I throw out the receipt.
I've been using Google Drive for too long now but if I started again I would use Evernote. Scannable is designed to work best with Evernote I believe. Being able to search the content of receipts in Evernote is the main reason.