iPhone 7 - 256GB at an amazing price.
Offer available in Rose Gold and Gold
Outright Australian stock from jbhifi
2 years Australia warranty.
Hurry while stocks last
iPhone 7 - 256GB at an amazing price.
Offer available in Rose Gold and Gold
Outright Australian stock from jbhifi
2 years Australia warranty.
Hurry while stocks last
wait till the next model
woops they've removed jb. Last time I saw jb was still there.
How long will this deal last?
And your opinion, which price beat policy is better?
Officeworks 5%; or Good Guys?-"If you do find a lower advertised price within 30 days of your purchase, The Good Guys will happily Payback 120% of the difference."
@steveclassy2: I'd personally get disocunted JB Hifi gift cards, that itself is better than 5% pricebeat. Turn on your pm so people can pm you.
@tajid: I'll keep that in mind too. Where can we get the discount JBHF cards?
OK I'm going through my settings rn
EDIT: anyone can PM me now
Only reasons to upgrade from an iPhone 5 is better camera, more storage and larger screen right?
Mostly because it's way faster.
In what sense?
1ghz faster processor, 1gb extra ram.
Yeah, but what does that translate to in actual use of the device? Every app I use on my iPhone 5 loads instantly, so what difference will those specifications make? How do you improve on instant?
I upgraded from a 6 and it's noticeably quicker, especially when browsing the web or playing games. But I would wait out for the 8 now.
What is quicker about browsing the web? Can you scroll through web pages faster or something and why would you need to?
@doweyy: I agree with this comment. At this stage I would be waiting for the next model. I went from the Iphone 4 to the iPhone 6+ because the iphone 5 didn't do it for me. I will be waiting until, at least, the iPhone 8 before I think of jumping again.
@strayan: Nothing at all, people are absolutely hopeless at assessing the speed of operations on computers often reporting things "feeling" faster when in fact they're slower.
Which is why we have millions of people tweaking operating systems and so on as if the developers got it wrong and this is why benchmarks are a better guide. People are hopeless at it.
Faster processor, touch id, water resistance, better speakers, improved battery, force touch
and the jack headphone lollll
Is 6 water resistant?
What does force touch do? Does touch ID save much time? What does improve battery do? I get 3-4 days out of my iPhone 5. Do you mean the battery lasts longer?
I hardly get half day on my 6!
@tajid: batteries are very much YMMV. My 6+ lasts at least 4 days but that is because I hardly use it. It depends how many games you play, calls you make, etc. My iPad needs to be charged, at least, daily because I play a lot of games on it.
I call bs on 3-4 days out of your iPhone 5. Esp if it's running iOS 10. You would've struggled to get more than 1.5 days on a new iPhone 5 running the OS of its time (maybe iOS 6/7).
An iPhone 7 is 4 generations newer than an iPhone 5. By Moore's law, that's 2^4 = 16x faster processing speeds. Doesn't quite calculate as linearly, but you can bet that it's a lot faster.
"Improved battery" - the iPhone 7 is larger, so I think it houses a larger battery. Of course, the tech (processor/ram/whatnot) requires proportionally more power to run, but Apple has engineered it such that the newer processes are more efficient and also run in a "low performance mode" which conserves battery life when not in heavy use.
Touch ID saves a lot of time and is a lot faster than the sensor on the iPhone 5S.
Also has improved display and colour reproduction, and front and rear camera.
The iPhone 6 is not water resistant. The 7 is. Speakers are in stereo, and louder, and force touch means that the display is sensitive to how much pressure you apply to the screen.
If you're happy with your iPhone 5, and you're clearly not using it very much if you're squeezing 3-4 days battery life out of it, then there's probably no need for you to upgrade. I don't understand why you'd ever need more than a day's battery life though. Just charge it every night… I understand people being upset if a single charge can't get you through the day (which is what I commonly experience. Thank for for powerbanks).
Pretty good price.
Link says 1 year Australian warranty though.
They can say what they want but they still have to comply with Australian consumer law.
Got one, thanks !
I have been putting up with a shattered screen for months, waiting for a good deal to come along. Never would of thought it would be for Apple, who are
notorious for (profanity)-all discounted stock.
Anyone price match at Harveynomand yet for Amex offer?
Got HN pricematch, used 3 x amex for $1029.
What is the Amex offer?
Please share info about the AMEX offer. Cheers
you have to have am amex card, currently spend $350 at HN get $50 back from amex, split payment over 3 amex cards..
It's a good price. Read iPhone 8 will be limited edition with premium price? And may be 5 months away? Thanks
Limited edition? Could you explain
If you could talk officeworks into price matching that'd be about another $59 off that price.
Which price beat is better, OW or Good Guys?
"If you do find a lower advertised price within 30 days of your purchase, The Good Guys will happily Payback 120% of the difference."
The Good Guys have the same phone for $1199 so 120% of the difference is $24. I would go with $59 at Officeworks.
Thx for your reply.
Would that equate to 2% off at TGG?
In this instance it works out to around 2% at The Good Guys. I have used the TGG price guarantee before when there has been a bigger difference in their price when it's only around $20 difference it doesn't really make a huge difference.
That's not the same phone, you've linked a 128gb and the phone in OP is 256gb.
@FXD: You're right. I can't find the rose gold iPhone 7 256gb on the good guys website. Strange.
Edit found it
Which would make the price beat $202.80 bringing the phone down to $1145.20
Office works is still the better saving with $1120.05
I went to Apple to get them pricematch/beat the Good Guys' $1099
They have some sort of policy "up to 10% match" so I ended up getting it for 1106.10, beats driving all the way to Frankston(nearest stock) which was 20mins away.
Disappointingly Apple wouldn't do a complimentary bundle with a protector and case.
Got the 128GB instead of 256GB which was another few hundred savings. 256 is overkill for general use, unless you are taking loads of 4K videos
@steveclassy2: Good work, the advantage of buying directly from apple is you have 2 weeks to return the phone if you're unhappy with it for whatever reason.
@jewe1s: No questions asked? What if the 'silent button' seems tiny bit loose? What if I dropped it and there's a very minor mark on the bottom speaker corner?
Has to be undamaged. You can read more about it on this link.
If you look on your receipt there will be a return date.
2-3 weeks back i got iphone 7 256 red for $1045
Can show receipt
please, where from?
yes, where from?
Jb hi fi paramatta
Any chance you can post the receipt? Thanks
Receipt please
Did you negotiate this instore? Or did they have a promotion running?
I'd like to know too! Don't leave us hanging otherwise he's pulling our leg
I actually bit the bullet and just got the 5% Officeworks price beat on this. Wanted to do it before stock ran out.
Also called JB Hifi who said that $1045 was "not based in reality" and that they couldn't match it even if we were to provide a receipt. Maybe he meant the 128gb model?
@nelga: I'm checking all the iPhone 7, 256GB on OW site and it shows "Not available online" and "Out of stock".. I thought it was only academic at this point. Which area/state are you?
He specifically typed "256" gb. This is why I've got trust issues …
@steveclassy2: So OW only had Silver and Gold in stock, JB promo only covered rose and gold, so I had to take the Gold for the price beat as it was the only cross-over. Luckily that was the colour I wanted :) I'm in Sydney, they person on the phone did mention they were low in stock.
Sorry it was 128gb
lol exactly This is why I've got trust issues !
Cashrewards and gift cards for futher discounts.
Looks good need to keep convincing myself that my iphone 6 still works perfectly fine….