Was looking for ideas for a new PC and found this one. The second cheapest price on staticice is $337.
First post, pls be nice. ;)
Was looking for ideas for a new PC and found this one. The second cheapest price on staticice is $337.
First post, pls be nice. ;)
it is, I was thinking it was a bundle only price but it doesn't seem to be.
Is this an everyday price?
seems like a promotion. not sure how long it will last.
just be aware this cpu is being phased out - hence the price, the i7 950 has already dropped to around $350, will probably be a bit lower once all the i7 930 stock clears.
Looks like everyone's slowly starting to clear Intel CPU stock with Sandy Bridge on the way!
Promo prices on Centrecom are in red. Good in-store service, poor stock in some of them. However, delivery prices quite good! If picking up, call to reserve stock or have it sent to your preferred store. I find that emailing Centrecom never gets a reply.
so you're trying to tell me that the i7 930 which replaced the 920 is now being replaced by the 950…
More like Lukian said they're clearing out stock before Sandy Bridge comes out in a couple of months
Good price, but I wouldn't get one so soon especially with Sandy Bridge and Bulldozer just comin' round the corner.
good price, but the "please be nice" prevented me from giving +ve vote.
you are a dickhead
I'm still running a Q6600 @ 3.3GHz with 4GB RAM. Is it time for me to upgrade yet? Last time I was considering upgrading I didn't like the mobo and RAM prices.
I'm still running a p4 @3.4ghz, 512mb ram.
Still on an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (1.66Ghz) with 512mb ram.
Well ok I admit that's my secondary computer.
depends what you do on a PC, i guess. I'm a gamer so i need good hardware.
Still using a calculator - texas instrument ti-83+
Took me an hour to load this page and reply
@XeSSiV: I'm using my toaster to send this reply, its got a faster cpu then most older pc's :) yey 2010 makes life easier. oh and my toast just popped.
'opens youtube video'
……zzzzzzzzffffffFFFZFZFFZZZFZZZZ!! flies into the distance
will this work with my commodore 64?
just wondering once a new CPU released, won't this one drop to $250 or even $200 mark ?
No because they won't drop below the cost at which the shop bought them in for or else the shop would be selling at a loss.
The wont drop much lower than what they will now. Maybe to $250 but probably not any lower.
Just to note for all those that are around Sydney and want to do an immediate pick-up, it is available at Fluidtek @ Carlingford for the same price.
EDIT: Actually, apologies, it's bundled with a G15 for $85.
sorry duplicate post
I have the 930 running at the moment, but seriously $299 is ridiculously cheap. I got mine for like $379 at the end of February from MSY!
i agreed with ronnknee
this is a bloody good deal. who cares in 6months something will superseed it, that is technology. given the i7-930 at this given time in space. it is a bloody good deal for $299
Supercede actually; the problem with being a pedant is that you've actually gotta be right, dude! :p
There's far too many online English teachers out there already, for my liking anyway! ;)
MSY Currently has this for 299 as well
i'm just wondering when they are going to drop G-B X58A-UD3R MB to $220 mark ?
yeah. but for $252.
it would be nice to have it a bit cheaper, close to priceengine price which was $221.
I was just about to buy an i7 930 from msy and all of the sudden price went up to $329 (yesterday it was $299).
and they've also run out of stock.
nice price