This was posted 7 years 9 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One Backward Compatibility and Deals with Gold Super Sale Now on, Offering up to 75% off on 275+ Titles


Xbox One Backward Compatibility Super Sale

Alice: Madness Returns – 75% off
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts – 75% off
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 – 75% off
Dead Space – 67% off
Dead Space 2 – 67% off
Dead Space 3 – 67% off
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – 75% off
Fallout 3 – 67% off
Fallout: New Vegas – 67% off
Gears of War – 75% off
Gears of War 2 – 75% off
Gears of War 3 – 75% off
Grand Theft Auto IV – 50% off
Mass Effect – 75% off
Red Dead Redemption – 60% off

The full list is too long to write out here, so check out the post over at Major Nelson’s blog to find the full list of games currently on sale.

Xbox One Deals With Gold

Boom Ball 2 + Squid Hero – 40% off
Commander Cherry for Kinect* – 60% off
Destiny – The Collection* – 35% off
Destiny: The Taken King* – 40% off
Earth’s Dawn* – 33% off
Final Fantasy XV Digital Premium Edition* – 40% off
Final Fantasy XV* – 40% off
Flinthook – 25% off
forma.8 – 30% off
Forza Horizon 3 and Expansion Pass Bundle – 10% off
FRU* – 50% off
Gryphon Knight Epic – 33% off
Horse Racing 2016 – 40% off
I Am Bread* – 33% off
Let’s Sing 2017* – 50% off
Lovely Planet* – 50% off
Mantis Burn Racing – 25% off
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst* – 67% off
Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty – 67% off
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2* – 60% off
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition* – 60% off
Pure Hold ’em* – 50% off
Pure Pool* – 50% off
R.B.I. Baseball 17 – 15% off
Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark* – 75% off
Team17 Indie Collection* 85% off
Uncanny Valley – 33% off
Wheels of Aurelia – 50% off
Worms Battlegrounds* – 75% off

These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members.
Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Fun fact, if you buy prepaid xbox credit from a retail store it can't be used on xbox 360 games for xbox one.

    • Fun fact, not quite true, it can if you purchase them off a 360 console.

      • -2

        Fun fact, majority of these titles can be found cheaper at ebgames and/or ebay

        • +19

          Fun fact, not having to stand up to change physical games means more energy to comment on OzBargains.

        • No not in most cases - I went in to be games immediately after the sake was announced and didn't end up buying anything there as their prices were higher than the Microsoft sale.

        • +2

          Does anyone else feel that they're not having fun?

  • +10
    • This guys should be OP. We need prices!!!!

      • Updated the link. 😏

  • +1

    Skate 3 is like $8

    Full list in USD here

    • +2

      Just letting you know it's on EA access as well.

  • Bought NBA Jam On Fire for $4.93. Thanks

  • +1

    Bought Braid for $2.48 & Super Meat Boy for $3.73. Thanks.

    • Thanks - picked up Braid as well.

  • +1

    I wonder how many if not all of these will be on Game Pass.

    • +2

      If you diligently 'purchase' the games every month you should have a fair few.

  • Any other Arcade gems?

  • +1

    Grabbed Portal 1 and 2 despite having played them on other systems. Tempted to grab Earthworm Jim HD as well and possibly Kameo as a throwback to the first 360 title I played (alongside Perfect Dark Zero…which is there but I'm not sure I can go back to that one). That or I'll just grab Rare Replay since Blast Corps would be nice to own too.

    Have enough current gen games to play so going to have to try hold back.

    • The XBLA HD remaster of the original perfect dark is in Rare Replay and holds up much better than Zero does

  • These are great deals - my recommendations are Orange Box, Portal 2, Deus Ex - Human Revolution, Rayman Legends, Limbo, Trials HD and Braid, but noting most of these are 75% off this is a great way to cheaply build your digital collection for XB1 (and finally replace those old 360 discs)!

    • Buying the same game twice? Madness.

    • Good recommendations

  • +1

    Picked up Portal 2 for $7.50 and Assassin's creed Rogue for $10. There is a bit of a odd translation of the US prices in the link. EG

    • Portal was $US5 - $AU7.50
    • Assassin's creed was $US 9.89 - $AU9.88
    • Far Cry 3 was $US5 - $AU12
  • +1

    Thanks, bought Oddworld ($9AUD), which has been on my list for awhile.

  • +1

    Seems catherine isn't for sale here.

    • Hmm, strange. I managed to buy Catherine a while ago… only a few months ago, on the recommendation of someone on OzBargain.
      In fact… Just looked - it's there:…
      But $30 :(

      • Or did you mean ON sale?

        • I was able to pick it up a couple of weeks ago for around $5. To be honest pretty disappointed in the game. Only played a few hours but have lost interest already. Read some great reviews and it didn't live up to them. It's like it was written by a 20yo and the mini game is a bit tedious. Cool concept awkward execution.

  • No Alan Wake?

    • -1

      Alan Wake is no longer for sale on any platform due to music licensing issues.
      You can still by the expandalone, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, but that's kind of a different thing.

    • -1

      Alan Wake has been permanently removed from the digital stores due to the expiry of its music licenses.

  • so US only sale? can't see anything on AU xbox site.

  • +1

    Got bomberman for $2.48 - relieve the SNES multitap days.

    Any thoughts on geometry wars? Seems universally acclaimed. Was going to get no2 which has local multiplayer (no1 doesn't seem to?).

    • +3

      Any thoughts on geometry wars?

      It's asteroids on steroids. Enough said.

      Was going to get no2 which has local multiplayer (no1 doesn't seem to?).

      Correct, second has multiplayer, first one doesn't. Single player is still worth a play though.

    • +2

      Geometry wars is awesome, well worth it. Dam game is really addictive lol

  • Lego Batman is $24.97 and that is 50% off lol. I don't know how this is not lower by now, isn't this the first Lego game?

    • Yeah I think so. I got Lego Batman included with my 360 like 8 years ago haha

    • +1

      First Lego game was Lego Star Wars.

  • New to xBox and games, if a game is discounted on Gold. If I buy it while on a trial gold account, will I retain access to the game when not on Gold?

    • +2

      Yes, you own it. It's only the Xbox one games you get for free each month that you won't be able to play if you don't continue subscribing to gold.

      • Sweet, so might use the initial 14day trial and getting games for cheaper.

  • Damn, this sale came just two days too late for Alan Wake :(

    • In fairness, that game has been on sale dozens of times though.

  • For some reason I'm having trouble buying Lego Indiana jones on the us store. It's $4.99 there and $17odd here. I've got a vpn for my Xbox and region set to the USA. But every time I try to buy it changes the price to $17. Could they have figured it out? Or is it because the 360 has a different marketplace to Xbox one.

    • +1

      Or is it because the 360 has a different marketplace to Xbox one.

      Correct, the Xbox One marketplace works differently to the 360.

      For the 360, you'll need to create a new account with USA set as its region, as well as a billing address from a tax-free state (Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware and Oregon). For payment, I believe PayPal should work or you can purchase US credit from Amazon and the like if you wish.

      I haven't made a non-Aussie account for ages now, so I may be wrong on the details.

  • +1

    Skate 3 for $7.48

    Would recommend to any gamer.

    • +1

      I still play this game more than any others. Great pick up and play when you don't have much time.

      • +1

        Yeah I agree. I had it installed to my Xbox one but lost the disc when moving. $7 is worth not having to constantly change the disc.

  • Got oblivion… and all the DLC…. even though I have it on steam… but on steam I can't play via steam link + controller… so…. I am stupid man…

  • Orange box! I've played through HL2 three times but that's tempting.

  • Is the Final Fantasy XV worth it at the 40% atm (will there be deals elsewhere that is cheaper?) and is the Digital Premium Edition worth the money?

  • hmm anyone else getting a message about finding a glitch in the system? won't let me purchase anything.

  • -1

    bought some xbox live points years ago, then they had to retire the point system which turned the points into money, bought some games for windows 10, now you are telling me that leftover money isnt recognised in the xbox live system while the same game is only discounted on xbox live but not windows store?

    windows 10 was a crappy enough disaster that the store app still doesn't have a bandwidth limit or functional pause function, what a (profanity) joke of a company

  • Ended up grabbing - Banjo Kazooie for some nostalgia, Ghostbusters: The Video Game (which I have on PS3 disc but never got around to playing) and NBA Jam: On Fire Edition.

    Hopefully at least one of three gets a run!

  • do we know what time MelbAU this sale finishes? Shame you can't buy with xbox credit on the web or xbox one console. Need to have a 360!

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