Good discounts here, especially for the PS4 games as many titles on offer are rare and usually cost $35-$40 alone.
(This deal is also available in-store)
Good discounts here, especially for the PS4 games as many titles on offer are rare and usually cost $35-$40 alone.
(This deal is also available in-store)
Ongoing sale - but some seriously decent games in this list. Dishonored 2, Metro Redux, Far Cry 4 & Fallout 4 are all a steal at $20 each.
Doesn't FO4 run like ass?
The Fallout series always runs like ass. That's why reviewers don't mark it down. You expect that. Was a great game though.
Yeah, I meant FO4 on consoles. I played it on PC and it was fine but I remember reading the console version was a little dodgy; huge spikes inside houses and stuff.
I wouldn't say "like ass" but there are several typical places where framerate drops considerably. And some people have consistent framerate issues (especially after downloading Far Harbour) that were often fixed by delete and reinstall.
The game was mostly fine for me, worth a $20 (I got the CE and wasn't disappointed, at least).
Yep, definitely worth it. I wasn't trying to detract from the game; merely pointing out potential issues for new owners.
Looks like it's Dishonoured 1 remastered with DLC not 2
Dishonered 2 is also part of the 2 for $40 deal.
Ah, doesn't seem to show on the website for me.
Hmm, it shows the '2 for $40' badge in search results on their website, but when you click on it there's no mention of it, so they most likely just forgot to change the search result thumbnail.
Every title I saw on that list is $19-25. Where did OP get $35-40 from? No massive savings here, in fact I saw some cheaper elsewhere like WWE 2K15 is $14 at mightyape.
Tl;dr, be careful and check your prices.
This deal is really for the obscure japanese games that JB Hifi stocks which are hard to get at a price reduction due to their limited supply.
You'd only find these games on eBay or overseas online shop for $35+.
(Not games like WWE where a new title comes out every year and the previous iteration obviously devalues considerably.)
tl:dr this deal is simply not for you
This doesn't change the fact that they're all sub $25 at JB Hifi except for AC and evolve which are $29. Where did OP get $35-40 from?
anyone know when this ends?
Rainbow Siege is great fun, especially playing with mates. Also Fallout 4 is worth picking up. As with everything though, read some reviews and in this case watch some gameplay vids to see if it suits.
deus ex, trackmania, fallout 4, dishonored, trials, wolfenstein, the evil within, metro redux are all good. but you won't get any specific suggestions cause you never mentioned genre. they're all pretty decent games for the most part, some stand out more than others though.
Anyone who is a fan of shooters and hasn't picked up Rainbow Six: Siege is doing themselves a major disservice; it's one of the best on the market at the moment.
Thanks mate. Ordered two Gust games, great prices!
Which ones?
I'm guessing Atelier Sophie and Nights of Azure. Both well worth getting as they don't require any prior knowledge of other Gust games to enjoy.
Yep, guessed perfectly!
lot of swamp sludge there like Ass Unity and Evolve, shit that is barely worth $2 let alone $20.
Those are the two best bargains if you look at the savings. They're the only ones that cost more than $25 individually.
the problem is you are going by THEIR numbers.
Ass Unity is the perennial sub $3 key game… evolve is going ftp.
That's OK, just look where I'm getting negged above. It doesn't matter where you're sourcing your original prices from if you're trying to find a bargain!
Extra points if you don't even look at the store you're looking at.
Trackmania is a good one if you have Psvr.
We have a G920 wheel and project cars however it is a bit too serious for kids. Does anyone have a suggestion for less serious racing type games for 10 yos for the XBONE?
Forza Horizon 3 and its hot wheel expansion pack?
Dishonored 2 isn't listed there but it is in store, I got that and assassins creed syndicate, great bargain, Also Deus Ex is brilliant for that price
Apart from AC,the rest just rubbish game really..
But AC is the most rubbish game of the lot.
The Wolfesnsteins are worth picking up.
Some of these games are cheaper, or the same price elsewhere, some are a real bargain via this deal. As @putnum wisely said "be careful and check your prices." Don't buy blindly….
Deception 4, Azure Nights, Romance 13 and Ateliar are all fantastic games.
Picked up Nobunaga's Ambition and Romance. Not the biggest fan of grand strategy but at this price I couldn't pass it up.
Will check to see if they've added any new titles to the mix, but this sale has been running for at least a month.