This was posted 7 years 9 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panamax $0.69 for 100 Tablets @ Chemist Warehouse


Always a popular deal round these parts.
Just got a catalogue in the mail for Chemist Warehouse starting Monday 15 May with 100 pack of 500mg Panamax tablets for $0.69.

Use only as directed. Incorrect use could be harmful. Consult your healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

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Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Are they normally 99c? 30% off

  • +2

    Use only as directed. Incorrect use could be harmful.

    Could you grind them down and snort them?

    • +9

      username checks out

      • +4

        User photo checks out

        • +1

          User location checks out

  • -1

    Wow, is it legal to buy 100 paracetamol at once?

    • +10

      I've had many discussions with my doctor and pharmacist friends about this sort of thing. I think it comes down to a risk of abuse thing. Paracetamol OD is a slow and painful way to die but short of physically feeding you individual tablets I can't see any way to completely remove the risk of someone acting stupid. Following on from that sale limits only work in theory, I can't buy 400mg tablets of ibuprofen without a script but I can go to Coles and buy as many 200mg tablets as I want. The only difference is how many pills I have to swallow.

      • It isn't the OD that the govt is concerned about - it's when they use the tablets to manufacture something else.

        • +4

          Yeap having 100 Panadol is like eating 1kilo of coffee beans to OD on caffeine, Its a weird selective way of trying to suicide.

        • @nephilim: I see what you did there ;)

    • Its illegal to sell them in a bottle, if what you're alluding toward is OD. A bottle can deliver tablets far more rapidly in number than push packets, and despite the 'safety' claims of their creation, they are designed to make every pop of a pill a new decision to continue the act of suicide which is dissuasive.

      • drinking too much water can do it too. What I think Daanish is referring to is taking way too much over time, my ex's sister died from it, kidney failure and a whole string of complications due to it.

      • +2

        No, that's not true. You can buy bottles of 'Herron' brand paracetamol. 20 tablets from supermarkets, 60 from pharmacies. The 20's are unscheduled, the 60's are S2 (out the front of the pharmacy, pharmacist must observe sale and be accessible to customer, but does not need to participate)

        Here are the 60s:…
        And 20s:…

        Whilst the short term effects of acute overdose are indeed catastrophic (>10 grams per day = slow painful death), evidence is mounting that taking the maximum normal dose (4g per day) over a long period of time may also be harmful. Especially if you are otherwise malnourished, alcoholic, have hepatitis, or take other medicines that interact.

        Still, for most people, in normal doses, in short durations, it is considered a fairly safe medicine.

  • Just bought some of these yesterday. Do you think they would refund me the difference?

    • +7

      CW refund policy typically means they don't do refunds

    • +4

      Would you really go back and ask for $1.30?

      • +7

        a true ozbargainer would… :)

        • +3

          Only if the shoe leather costs and travel time spent isn't worth $1.30

          Time is money!

  • Is there a limit on how many you can get?

    • IIRC, it's 2 per person in store. Only 1 per order, online

      • I've brought more in one go. Think it was 5 boxes at once. No issues in store.

  • +12

    This deal is giving me a headache

  • swell pricing. The last 69 I had led to a severe pressure headache. This product as such a price would have come in handy.

  • +1

    Out of interest, what do most people here take paracetamol for? Headaches? Period pain? Toothaches?

    • I suffer from Chronic Pains, all because of my stupid Tumours.

      • +2

        It's not a toomah!

        • +2

          Or as my sister said "It's not a tuna"

      • Sorry to hear about your chronic pain.

        As part of a (blinded) study I was involved in, I'm interested to know what other people find effective for themselves. Cochrane found paracetamol largely ineffective for many types of pain (…), but insufficient clinical studies focus on positive responders. One drug can help 0.1% of the population 99.9% of the time.

        It's nice to find something that works for oneself even if others find it useless.

        • Thank you, and it's fine… I'm also on other tabs (Palexia, Lyrica etc.), It's a pain when nothing works…

        • @jwb1981: mind the pun**

        • @togaboyau:
          Sorry? I don't get it sorry. I am a sloth (slow).

    • Headaches caused by poor quality sleep and/or bad sleeping position, combined with doing too much activity in my case.

      I could probably reduce my need for them with lifestyle changes.

  • +10

    Still got a million tablets from the last time they went on sale, been trying to give myself headaches just so I can get my moneys worth #OzHeadache

    • +3

      That works out to ten thousand packets.

  • Are they still effective past their use by dates? Im sure some ive got must be there already.

    • +3

      For oral medicines (tablets/capsules):

      Use by date is usually defined as the date at which the product has lost 10% or less of its original efficacy when stored at the recommended temperature.

      So if it's only a few months past its use by date, it will still be 80-90% effective.

      Some drugs degrade to produce toxic compounds, but that's only a small minority.

      Liquids and injections are a different story, as expiry date needs to also factor in microbial growth rates.

  • Same company as Panadol, works great and cheap.

    • Panadol is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, Panamax by Sanofi Group (under licence, possibly). Same active ingredient though.

      • +1

        None of the ingredients are covered by any patent as they've been available for decades, so there are no licensing requirements.

  • +3

    Post Mother's Day sorted

  • +1

    as a nerd, I usually read this:

    before doing self harm…..

    • +3

      Wikipedia is where I go for all my drug information.

  • I honestly feel like Panadol Rapid takes much less time to work, and in almost all cases it's paramount in my reason to take paracetamol in the first place. Panadol also tastes significantly better…

    Maybe it's Placebo but I am sticking to Panadol.

  • +3

    A quick google and this can be converted to another drug :O

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