First of I acknowledge that details on the scheme are scant, it's not passed through Senate yet, it is not best thought out scheme.. Some might disagree… But regardless of individual judgement on this initiative I am after some facts:
1. How will the Concessional Limit work?
- If someone continue to make salary sacrifice contributions to Super will they first consume the normal concessional contribution ($25,000) or the First Home Super Saver contribution ($15,000)?
2. Do they need to set up two separate salary sacrifice contributions? One for normal Super Concession and one for First Home Super Saver?
3. How are excess contributions treated? The normal excess Concessional contributions are quite defined in the way they will be treated and penalised? How will the First home Super saver be treated?
4. From 1 Jul 17 onwards, for people with super balances below $500,000 there is a provision of five year rolling over of the Concessional contributions?
- If they make contributions of say $39,000 in 2017/18, will the Super Fund/ATO treat it as if they made $24,000 concessional contributions to Super and $15,000 to First Home Super Account? or
- $25,000 contributions to Super and $14,000 to First Home Super Account?
I look forward to some details if known at this early stage.
I thought you have a second super account just for this first home thing. It doesn't go into your normal super account