Great whetstone for it's price.
Note this is the KDS which is larger than the standard king combination stone.
Great whetstone for it's price.
Note this is the KDS which is larger than the standard king combination stone.
no but it's a start …… my finest is 12000 and it's more because i like the mirror finish than sharpness …… i've never thought about amazon japan before for stuff from japan ….. didn't know japan had an amazon.
yes the 12000 will sharpen a knife so a falling tomatoe slices through.
It's so good your sultana will slice a falling handkerchief!
Only if you wearing a fedora.
I don't think it can handle Mall Steel.
Katanas were only sharpened at the very end, the idea being that was the area used to slice with.
yes hollywood and army disposal stores have distorted how real swords as weapons of war are shaped. if 2 swords had sharpened edges like in the movies and struck each other they would severely chip.
Your another weapon enthusiest? (must be bad spelling mothersday)
Thats not true. You get the least amount of force at the end, but the maximum amount of angular momentum. Depending on style, move or block, you will need all parts of the katana to be effective.
He mentioned razor sharp cutting, you wouldnt keep the main contact area razor sharp as it would take to much dammage… A master sharpener would have no problem putting a flowing edge that changed angles at the differant areas of the blade, if you think im wrong please reply I enjoy this sort of thing.
@Slippery Fish:
A master sharpener? There is such a job? Just figured the guy who made the swords got the assistants to give it a go.
Could see the point though on high end builds. Start to finish done by one person if they are good enough to make a name of themselves.
Actually yes there is such a job..
There is a video from discovery that goes through all the steps of creating a katana. I think it's called "how to make a katana" ( I know simple name) should be on YouTube. Takes you through the whole process from smelting the ore to forging to sharpening.
Also if I am not mistaken I believe in katanas at least they were trained to not use the edge for blocking/ parrying they would use the flats of the edge ( angled parts coming down to the point) preferably using the first third of the blade for this and using the final third of the blade for cutting. The sides and the back of the blade while made of a softer metal normally would only generally be used for defecting.
@Kiato: that is a good reply! :)
Also yes there is such a job as said, katanas are apparently very hard to keep the geometry right are beginners are expected to destroy the first 3-5 katanas they attempt to sharpen, so they wouldnt let the apprentice near it considering how long it took to forge the good ones.
As a reference, it appears to be 56 USD on the main Amazon site.…
I bought a $12 Whetstone to sharpen my Kukri.
It's made of high-grade Carbon Steel.
The Kukri's still blunt, my wrists are sore, the stone broke in half.
Not sure if this $56 would fare any better.
You should be sharpening it either with a puck stone like an axe or using a file unless its a super high grade steel.…
There you go.
It's 1080, quite hard.
I think I need a bench grinder to get rid of the initial bluntness, then finish off by hand.
Only problem is that I try to live simple, and don't know anyone who randomly has one.
I heard people recommending using WD40 as a lubricant… not sure if that works.
@Kangal:lol my ontairo military is 1095 which is harder than 1080, I used a file to put my first edge on it. go to your local market and get the tool sharpening man to put it on the flapping wheel (its like sandpaper sheets in a wheel) should cost 4-10 at most, our guy is like 5.
@Slippery Fish:
Know any place in Brisbane for "tool sharpening man" ?
PS isn't 1080 much better than 1095 for steel. That's what the experts say, the steel should be very hard up to a certain degree. After that it loses flex and isn't good in terms of slashing/cutting.
@Kangal: 1095 takes and holds a sharper edge, ive cut palm trees ect down with it so it works fine, though its hugely thick compared to most machete ive used.
1080 has more flex and is less likely to snap ect, like your cold steel ones which I belive are 1075 or 1080.
For putting a new edge on a blunt blade I'd start with a stone that's 400 grit or lower. A 1000/6000 is a good one to have for your once a year re-sharpen.
Other than grit size a sharpening stone's performance depends on the quality of the abrasive and the quality of the binder as well as the relative quantity of one to the other.
Most decent Japanese stones are built to sharpen high carbon blades. If you look at any vids of Murray Carter sharpening you'll see he uses a simple King 1000/6000 combo on his blades (which are all three layer construction with hitachi high carbon steel in the centre).
My Shapton pros do a decent job on high carbon steel. If you want something that cuts really aggressively The "sigma power" stones in particular are designed for super hard wearing high speed tool steels. They wear quickly because there's not much binder in the stones at all, but will remove metal in fewer strokes than any other stone.
Here's the exact same whetstone on ebay for a few bucks cheaper. (…)
$52 usd with $30 usd shipping
And that kids, is why one should measure twice and cut once… Sorry man
no harm, no foul.
ummm AUD $112
Seems like you need to start a new account with Amazon Japan? Doesn't accept my US/UK credentials.
Yep, Amazon Japan requires an Amazon Japan account.
I've got the King 1000/3000, wish I had this one honestly.
3000 is great. from 1000-6000 youll be sharpening for a looong time to get that shine
Yeah it does the job, I just want a shinier blade haha.
get a 12000 shapton ig you want a shine.
what does this do?
same thing as my $40 bench grinder does, except it takes longer & doesn't remove the DNA as effectively ;-)
Can this sharpen my great sword to purple sharpness?
Came here looking for this.
Will this sharpen citrus clippers, secateurs and scissors?
Seems no ship to Australia , how to solve
Local pickup?
buy direct from amazon, not the "fulfilled by amazon” third party seller
total inc delivery should be ¥4754
yes, I get the same problem, after creating a new account.
buy direct from amazon, not the "fulfilled by amazon” third party seller
total inc delivery should be ¥4754
Your knife physical attack will be +15 for 5 minutes if you use this whetstone.
there are much better stones out there than "KING"
Ya, I usually get Naniwa super stones.
Try Japanese-tools-metalmaster on ebay, ordered plenty of stuff through them.
At this price point?
Luckily we live in a brick house :P
I am a real beginner here, can someone recommend a beginner stone, not sure if I need this?
The KDS version of the king stones is generally better than the low end/cheap stones, at this price point it's a great purchase. I wouldn't normally recommend the 6000 for beginners, smoother doesn't necessarily equal sharper. You can achieve a very sharp edge with 1000/3000; many other factors will lead to a sharp edge, technique, angle of sharpening, stropping.
I just bought sharpening stone from Daiso for $2.80.
Sharpen my no name knife for 15 mins and it's still can't cut paper :(
need to put a shoulder on the blade and then try sharpening it
It's been 3 days and mine hasn't been dispatched, is this normal with Amazon jp?
Just had a look then, if you ordered through amazon Japan directly it may have been out of stock
'Back-ordered. Due in stock May 27 — order now to reserve yours'
There were supposed to be 2 left when I ordered. Maybe they had an error in their stock levels. Doesn't sound very Japanese or very Amazon but I guess that's it. Unfortunately I can't speak or write Japanese so can't really email to ask.
It may be showing 2 in stock, from the other seller.
Received in under a week!
Is it high enough grade for me to sharpen my Katana to slice a falling handkerchief?