People who claim to have gamed the stock market.

I've been interested in the stock market for a very long time now, and have been doing some research as well. Naturally I would be wary of those who claim to have success stories, but, I came across a dude who claims that he has easy plans to make money from the stock market. I've watched some of his videos and think that its too straight-forward to be true, but I've also heard from several of my friends that he is a credible source of knowledge.

His name is Adam Khoo, and like many of the people who promote their own experience and charge for it when you attend their seminars, this guy is no different. The only difference is that he does have credentials and a portfolio to match his claims.

I would like the Ozb community to be the judge on whether this dude is legit. Here is a video and a wiki link:

On a side note, what has been the most influential and informative person/book in your investing ventures?(warren buffet recommendations are welcome too) I would like to know anything I can, while I have the time to do so.


  • +15

    The people who can consistently generate profit from the stock market don't go around selling their strategies.

  • +1

    from the wikipedia article-

    Khoo climbed to among the top 18 in his secondary school

    i.e. he was 18th

    sounds like a lot of hot air.

    though he does sound motivated and has some ideas.

    • +2

      That's like when I tell my youngest child she definitely makes my top 10 daughters.

  • +6

    I haven't heard of this guy, but then why would i?
    Some flags for me from his wiki page:
    "As a conservative and long-term investor,[10] Khoo goes for investments with very low risk and high returns,[6] favouring cash-rich companies with low debts and the potential to consistently increase their earnings.[10] He prefers investing in stocks and options, using a variety of investing strategies including momentum and value investing.[6]"
    This is an almost meaningless statement. Everyone wishes for low risk and high returns. Momentum and value strategies are basically opposites. Conservative and long term basically rules out the use of options, except maybe for hedging. Based on this alone, I don't see his investment advice could be worth paying for.
    It is like you asked if a car mechanic is good when they have said "safety is our number one priority, and to get maximum performance we strip out unnecessary vehicle weight like seat belts and air bags." Just confused.

    "At 25, Khoo was coaching top insurance agents and marketing managers twice his age on how to boost sales.[1] At this time, his father, Vince Khoo, who owned the advertising agency Adcom, bought out all partners and offered the younger Khoo the opportunity to run it.
    This really suggests that what he knows how to do is sales (and have a wealthy Dad). It's possible he is also an investing genius, but considering he is trying to sell his tips, I suggest sales might be his forte.

    A bit further on:
    "At 23, Khoo obtained his licence in NLP in Seattle, Washington.[7]"

    OK, he is just Singapore's version of Anthony Robbins or some other motivational hustler.
    These guys are like the Amway reps of life. Always on the make, unpleasant to be around as they are always weighing up how to turn situations to their personal advantage.

    I wouldn't give him any of my money.

    PS: I just did a Google search on his ad company, and the result is too good not to share:…
    "Adcom director Adam Khoo blames clients for agency closing down after 44 years"

    1. Of course he has a easy plan to make money from the market, but selling useless advice to people for money.

    2. Are these friends of yours now wealthier after listening to this guy?

    3.if this guy actually had a way of making money eyes doing the stock market, he would be doing that, not doing lectures telling people how to do it.

    • Point 2. Haha I'm not sure whether they're better off now, but they do sing praises for this guy


    His YouTube page should give you the answer, all the replies to the "positive" comments have been deleted and there is not one negative comment.

    And if his method was so successful, he wouldn't waste time on YouTube nor be charging people.

    This is no different to the people pedalling horse racing and lottery formulas.

  • -1

    Another thing to consider is that since the GFC it has been stupidly easy to make money in the share market and property. He probably got started the copped a boom period and is now trying to get suckers to fund his retirement rather than stay in shares and property which are probably due for a correction.

  • +7

    My best tip for the stock market is to buy shares before they skyrocket in value and then sell them when they reach their peak value.

    Would you like to hear my best tip for betting on Horse racing?

    • +2

      Can I subscribe to your newsletter?

      • +2

        For $14.95 (rrp $59.95 - save 600%) a month I'll send you a personalized newsletter

        • I'll take it! Haha

  • +2

    That wikipedia article reads like a PR piece written by Adam himself. It should really be flagged for review…


    Khoo goes for investments with very low risk and high returns

    LOL, who doesn't?!

    • Yeah, that's what makes him an incredibly dodgy guy imo, and I'll probably never trust him.

  • The Barefoot Blueprint is, "An ‘over-my-shoulder’ look at exactly what shares to buy, when (and how) to buy them, how much to buy, and when to sell".

    The annual subscription also goes on sale occasionally. It has a "365-Day Money-Back Guarantee", so use it for a year and if it's no good you can get your money back.

    Scott closely follows Warren Buffett's investment methodology and attends his conferences in the States.

    • +1

      I don't trust anyone that's barefoot.

      And if he's so good then why can't he afford footwear?

    • Hmm, I'll take a look at that in detail, thanks!

    • I subscribe to his newsletter but have not gone into the annual one. May I ask if you are looking over his shoulder with regard to shares to buy and have you gained considerable $$$ following his every move? I am considering it but find it too good to be true. All my problems would have been solved had I won the $50m Powerball on Thursday.

      • Sorry, I don't subscribe to the annual package either, that part of my comment is a quote from his website. The newsletter is good enough for me, I'm not ready to buy shares.

        The guarantee is there for you to try and see for free. Maybe you could subscribe, follow his buy and sell recommendations in a spreadsheet without actually buying the stocks and see if you make money over the course of the year. You can then decide whether to renew or refund the subscription. I don't think you'll make millions unless you put down a substantial chunk of money, but you never know.

  • +1

    Why would anyone who is in possession of a "winning strategy" be bothered to market & teach their "winning strategy" when they could just make more money from the stock market using that "winning strategy" with less effort?

    • +1

      basically to encourage "students" to buy stock in "this new marvellous company before it goes crazy".

      and Adam Khoo bought stock the week before.

      and look how stock has gone up in price!!!

      wow, his strategy works

      • +1

        Exactly my point.
        People teach you a strategy not because it works, but because (i) it doesn't work for them, (ii) they can only make money from it if some suckers are willing to believe in it (either though "tuition fees" or "market manipulation").

  • Load of Bullshit
    One thing works for someone and they then "milk" unsuspecting buyers
    the worst kind of almost pyramid scheme antics
    Sign up your friends and get them to get their friends to sign up
    You aren't gaming the Stock market, you just got lucky
    All luck eventually runs out

  • I still ponder why successful trader will actually teach someone else to trade. I am asked by my company to give pointers to other traders on trading but I refused. Why should I, the game is for the survivor of the fittest, zero sum game. A successful trader will devote most of his time to doing his own trading, when you are successful, trading can be very addictive, you won't want to do anything else. Trading become the thrill, excitement to live. And the reamaining of the time is to spend your money and time with family and good friends, who cares about teaching others for extra income.
    There are low times in my trading where I think of trying to hold class to teach trading, either for ego and new experience. But it involved way too much work and formulating the trading style and knowledge into a understandable system is really massive work. Moreover, I must be willing to face criticism, have a gift of the gab, able to devoted time and have patience to face novices with stupid questions.
    Of course there are some selfless successful traders that coach people, but they do not do for money. They do for personal satisfication, recognition and their sharing is confined to some inner circles. I salute them. Other than that, no successful trader, really nobody, will teach anyone for a fee.

  • Nah he's full of shit. His idea of improving the odds, 'pattern recognition', is nothing more than 'bet on black if the previous 10 landed on red' in roulette, which does nothing.

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