Yoghurt Maker

Hi everyone,

We've had a Luvevo electric yoghurt maker for many years and have had great success using the Easyo packet yoghurt mix. Unfortunately the machine has now broken and we're having problems finding a similar machine. We bought the Easyo maker (which isn't electric) but it has not worked as the yoghurt is still not set after twelve hours. We're looking for a unit that makes one litre size yoghurt, not the smaller jars like we've seen on ebay. If anyone can give me some positive comments about one they'd recommend we'd be very thankful.


  • If it hasn't set, it might be because the water's gone cold. Refill with just boiled water and wait a few more hours. You have 24hrs anyway before the yogurt turns bad.

    I wouldn't know about other yogurt makers, sorry. I just use the Easiyo/Hansells, a thermos flask, or an oven.

  • I've had the Easyo for years and it has never not worked to set after 12 hours. The water you pour inside must be boiled but room temperature. I use water that has been preboiled 1 day ago which I sealed from contamination and stored in the pantry. The water to fill the outside must come straight from the kettle boiling hot. Overnight it should set by morning. Once I tried to cut corners and did not boil the liquid that I poured into the mixture, just used tap water. It did not set.

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