Superdry sale !!!
all approximately 65% off !!!!!
My first post
XXXX Please that was insulting to the community
Superdry sale !!!
all approximately 65% off !!!!!
My first post
XXXX Please that was insulting to the community
none :)
Unfortunately, a fail deal from COTD. There were no leather jackets at all, which honestly is the only thing decent that they make. I never understood why a male would willingly wear a hoodie that says 'SUPER DRY', as not only does it reflect bad on your sex life, it's also like wearing a, say, Adidas formal dinner jacket. IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE MAN
Don't agree with your assessment of SuperDry, but that's a hilarious comment man - nice work.
no idea, all looks so yummy, too bad wallet not that thick ….
Anyone bought Superdry stuff before for chicks? any comment on the quality??
:( I was hoping for a Japanese beer sale.
lol asahi ftw
I have not posted a deal because I dont know if it constitute a deal. Ed Hardy store on Chapel street are having a 50% off sale. Their jeans are more than %50 off. A good pair of button flys is $69 (ticket price of 250ish). They are really nice jean
prob cause ed hardy is liquidatng . i duno
all those superdry stuff were leftovers . all uglyyyyy
A good pair of button flys is $69
A button fly does not make for a good pair of jeans
WARNING: All the men's jeans (except the Skinny Jeans) have a BUTTON FLY. I dunno about you, but I despise button flies.
you just have to get used to them, once your used to them, i rekon they are better than a normal fly…
I avoid them, when trying to get the buttons done up at the trough it looks like you are playing with yourself. You can try to disguise your hand movements by putting one leg up on the wash basin and doing pelvic thrusts at the wall.
Forget button and zip, Velcro is the way to go. Had a pair of pants years ago which had a Velcro fly and it was fantastic. Buttons are too fidly and zips require 2 hands.
Now, if only someone would invent stealth Velcro…
@scrimshaw: Never seen Velcro go fuzzy as I think it's made of nylon material. I have a ski jacket that's about 13 years old with Velcro sleeves and it's still fine.
Hope some clothing designers are reading this!
@neil: Cheap "velcro" goes fuzzy pretty darn quick; good stuff will last for years though! ;)
Hope some clothing designers are reading this!
Yes, I'm sure the evil geniuses at Grosby R&D are licking their lips in anticipation of giving you some new sneakers to go with those velcro pants! :p
I like button fly jeans most of my jeans are button fly.
I find them more comfortable and safer (especially then they are being handled by someone extremely enthusiastic and possible under the influence of alcohol)
(except the Skinny Jeans) have a BUTTON FLY
What they gain by having a normal fly is killed by those ugly looking poclets
button fly? thanks for letting us know
imagine when a girl is trying to get your pants off………………………………………………….
why would you only need to imagine……..?
because i couldn't imagine what would happen?
i guess you have more experience than us with button fly failure :) do share.
Just had a quick look through, stock alludes to the clearance stuff that nobody buys in-store… All the mens jackets look hideous.
really that bad? i bought the 23 one…coz it looks cool
stock alludes to the clearance stuff that nobody buys in-store
That is what these one day online stores are for.
They are nothing more than allowing other stores to get rid of stock they cannot sell
At least 1-day has the decency to sell some nice shoes, once in a while!
1-day does usually seem to have better things than COTD
agreed.. all their jeans are ugly! so much for their well in advance 'Superdry this Thursday' promo!
So these things can't get wet ???
Might have been useful for the passed couple of months in Melbourne…
Nah the name is referring to the state of a female seeing you in such clothing..
That's why you can keeping dry..
oh… thanks for that… i might have to say 'pass' on this particular deal then and get the ones i was originally wanting to get…
What has been seen cannot be unseen..
@Radar: hey radar, the boss wants to see you in 10mins, he doesnt seem happy. the IT guys passed him some images that a worker was looking at.
Let see tomorrow 12:00pm still have many almost gone items left or not.
By 12 it would be too late to get the midsizes! that u always want and always miss out, u know, those 32 and 33s
I was going to buy that black shirt, SOLD OUT!! Argh.
Only decent thing on that page.
Never knew such a brand existed.
It's a niche brand that people buy just for the sake of spending that much money to get a "that".
There's a shop at TGV in Sydney.
Ugly stuff being sold. Not surprising, considering it is COTD.
Great price on quality stuff, bet you dorks all look great in your dimmys gear.
I shop at Targét you lower class riff raff…
I shop at Go-Lo, you middle class european
Big spender.
The only time i have shopped outside of the 33 cent store was for my wedding. And that was the 99 cent store.…
lol 65% off…. this stuff is maybe $5 less than transit (when there's no sale on) and as you all know COTD only sell stuff that retail cannot get rid of.
looks like superdry didn't really give cotd a chance to make a profit out of this, hopefully they still won't sell all this stuff, will teach superdry to lower their prices on unwanted stock.
looks like superdry didn’t really give cotd a chance to make a profit out of this
Why do you say that?
The jeans would only cost superdry $5-10 to have made.
COTD are not going to take anything that they cannot make money from.
everyone knows the cost price of creation, it's similar between every company. it's about how much superdry are willing to give their brand away for… since warehouses/wholesale don't get it for that much cheaper than retail, what makes you think COTD do? it's only a company afterall helping people get rid of their unwanted stock. if warehouses can't get rid of it, they get COTD to try, not like someone like superdry will give their clothing away anywhere near cost price. but you may also be right, COTD could be getting a nice cut, we don't know what deal they made. either way, hopefully it won't sell, so someone has to learn.
yeah the whole idea of clearance is they cut there losses and make whatever money they can, (usually using the cash that they made from the overpriced stuff to supplement the under cost stuff.) or they over manufactured and didn't sell enough, so these could be from anywhere on the line from manufacturer to retail shop. COTD would have gotten these in bulk for next to nothing…
I'd like to announce a new, prestigious award, sponsored entirely by me.
Its called the "Anonymous Insight Trophy". Awarded to the most insightful comment ever posted on OzBargain.
Today's nominations are:
Anthony: "The jeans would have only cost superdry $5-$10 to have made"
Drum Roll
And the winner is Anthony. Congratulations Anthony please send me an e-mail to [email protected], I would like to send you a $10 gift voucher for Dimmeys. According to your latest market figures, you should be able to buy two pairs of fantastic jeans of your choice.
Thank you very much for the valuable insight.
Stay tuned for more Anonymous Insight!
LOL rep fights back…
And the winner is Anthony
I won, I won!
I have not had the time to prepare an acceptance speech so i hope this will do.
Thank you for the opportunity to receive this “Anonymous Insight Trophy" provided by a friendly anonymous online store representative known only by three ambiguous letters.
I would like to send you a $10 gift voucher for Dimmeys.
I can live without the $10.
If it wasn't a sarcastic comment then give it to Legacy as it is currently Legacy Badge Week (Or a charity of your choosing)
you should be able to buy two pairs of fantastic jeans of your choice.
I never did say that is what anyone could buy the jeans for.
I guessed that $5-10 would be the cost superdry faces to have the jeans made. Not what COTD or any other person could buy them for.
@anthony: Anthony: “The jeans would have only cost superdry $5-$10 to have made”
Truth be told, that's probably a fairly conservative estimate; depending on the country of manufacture, it could well be considerably less! The glaring indictment here is on the greedy fashion industry, probably the single greatest usurper of child labour in the third world, they deserve the awards! :p
Plus, I take umbrage at your acceptance speech Anthony…you did not once thank those most responsible for your success, God, Jesus, Mohamed, Buddha, Ganish, Vishnu, Satan & Cthulu! I'm certain they're reserving a special place in Hell for you, mister! ;)
which style to recommend?