Electricity Providers - Port in/out

Hi all

As AGL, Energy Australia constantly provide discounted rates and new user sign up credits.. just wondering if am able to switch over providers monthly/bi-monthly like the way I do my Prepaid SIM card(Thanks to OZB).

Is there any disadvantage doing this - Will it impact my credit rating ? etc

Thanks in advance.


  • They usually require a contract - break fees may apply, in which case, it's probably not worth it.
    and the cashback offers are generally paid out over the period of the contract ie 3rd month, 6th month and 9th month.

    • AGL and Energy Australia both have $50 sign up credit on first month.

      • and break fees on the contract?

        • no Exit fee on both.
          AM concerned about the credit check, if anyone can shed some light.

  • With electricity providers there is normally a port in fee.

    What you can do instead, is call your existing provider and say "Company X is offering me this, can you match it?" If they say no, ask how you go about discontinuing your service. Then they'll put you on hold and you'll get an offer.

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