Hey OzB,
Landed myself a new job, which requires me to fly interstate about twice a month at least.
Now I've never held a credit card except the 28 degrees card.
What's the best card for points?
Please note, I've never really travelled so have almost zero clue about the best cards/reward points.
If the OzB community could recommend or point me to the right direction of which card to use, that would be awesome!
Thank you in advance.
do they book the flights or do you?
are you able to specify the airline you want to fly?
you can always apply for a CC with lounge access however once you get into the gold status with the airline it wont be as useful anymore.
my work books me on Qantas each time (unless i specify i want virgin) and I have gold with both of them so it doesn't matter, i just get more points.