I'm looking for a foam roller and am considering this or this available at Kmart. Anyone have any experience with these? Or can suggest any other alternatives? Thanks
Kmart Foam Rollers Any Good?

Kmart has a black spikey one that I use and it does the job quite nicely, also is rather compact so it fits in my gym bag easily. I believe it set me back $15. Hope this helps.
I've gone through a few of the Kmart/Target foam rollers that you linked ( the second one, $15) but they have all cracked at some point.
They were happy to replace them, but at the same stage you get what you pay for.
I ended up getting this http://www.rebelsport.com.au/Product/PTP-R4-Therapy-Roller/4… in the hard version which has been amazing.
Also $40 with the member price which annoys me now that I've just seen it!I didn't think the flat parts of the roller did much good so the full spike roller was very handy for me.
A teammate and I have gone through three of the second one you linked, they are shit and break easily. Spend $35-40 and get something that will last.
Get some PVC pipe 4" or whatever you want from hardware $50 a metre. If you want it soft for those ladies on here, go to Clark rubber and they sell a dual density foam, the hardish inner slides out and you insert the PVC pipe.
Decathlon has decent ones. Check them out
I have the second one you linked. It does the job.