Howdy yall
I want to pay my QLD registration with my amex linked to my paypal.
The payment method at the bottom of the renewal notice refers to post billpay, but I can't find a biller code or name to pay for it via post billpay online, only the barcode for going in store.
Am I missing anything? I've done a quick search but I'm not finding much and searched a bunch of billers through the post billpay system with no luck (I can find NSW)
got my QLD reg renewal in front of me.
2/3 of the page down in the section "PAYMENT OPTIONS" there are 4 options BPAY, ONLINE (credit card only), DIRECT DEBIT, OTHER (In person only) .
in the BPAY secton it shows billercode & ref.
the biller code is 48231.
The reference number is the same as CC reference number