A collection of 20 x online courses on R Programming, SAS, Tableau, Analytics, Excel, Python, Hadoop, HIVE, PIG, Spark, Oozie, Flume from educba. RRP at $79. Get this for FREE by applying Coupon LP70
They also seem to have an app on Google play store now with 4.3 rating: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.educba.www
01 Business Analytics using R - Hands-on!
02 R Programming - Practical Data Science Using R
03 Customer Analytics using R and Tableau
04 Hypothesis Testing using R
05 Data Science using R Programming
06 SAS - Beginners SAS
07 SAS - Advanced SAS
08 SAS - Quantitative Finance using SAS
09 SAS - Predictive Modeling with SAS Enterprise Miner
10 SAS - Business Analytics using SAS
11 Excel 2010
12 Python 3.5 Training
13 Hadoop Big Data:01 - An Overview
14 Hadoop Big Data:02 - Joins and Combiners
15 Data Analysis in Hadoop
17 Apache PIG
18 Apache Spark
19 Apache Oozie
20 Apache Flume
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