Decor Microsafe products are 50% off at Woolies.
Egg Poacher $7.49 save $7.50 (I use this daily and it poaches eggs in 1:40 in the microwave)
Bacon Cooker $5.99 save $6
900ml Oblong $2.99 save $3
1.6L Oblong $4 save $4
15L round $3.87 save $3.88
750ml round $2.99 save $3
5 piece set $8.49 save $8.50
Segmented Plate $4.49 save $4.50
Noodle Bowl $3.99 save $4
Soup Mug $2.49 save $2.50
Rice Cooker and Veg Steamer $4.99 save $5
I am considering the rice cooker….has anyone had experience in using that? Does it work?