Black SM-G930F model.
Can combine with this deal
First post so please be nice!
Black SM-G930F model.
Can combine with this deal
First post so please be nice!
Website says it's out of stock
I am getting in touch to let you know that “Samsung Galaxy S7 32GB Black SM-G930FZKAXSA” is now out of stock, and we are unable to order in any further stock. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this might have caused. We have processed a refund for your order, and from here you should expect the funds to return to you in about ten business days.
If you have any further questions, or if there is anything at all that I can help you with, please let me know,
Kind regards,
a good news and a bad news.
good news is that it's legit.
bad news is that the stock is almost gone.
i went to the actual co-op store and managed to buy the last mobile in stock. it happened to be S7 edge and i paid $399 including $25 membership fees.
This is unreal. There definitely has to be a bigger catch than that $25 membership fee.
Need to be studying at a uni?
oic. that's a bummer.
yeah they charge you the membership fee, then say it is out of stock and refund everything but the membership fee.
Edit said below 5 mins prior
The Co-Op isn't the best place to buy from, they will probably cancel the order after you register paying the membership fee and never refund the membership fee, all while saying its a price error.
I believe the above post was what happened? I have to say it's too good to be true….
why would you + the post after those issues is beyond me.
I plusses, then saw your post, searched and couldn't unplus….
Go to "votes" then click the small - red circle next to your username
Looks like this-⭕ with - through it
Like ⛔️
Someone should report to ACCC
Hi everyone, I'm the poster of the original fitbit deal from Co-Op.
They aren't a scam site, many people got their fitbits. Many didn't.
If you use these following rule your order should be okay:
These are obviously clearance stock, hence the amazing price.
Their system is garbage and doesn't stop you from ordering for clearance stock that is out of stock.
They won't go and get stock for you if that is the case.
As long as you get your order in whilst the item is still in-stock you should be very confident in getting the item.
But if you want to avoid this site all together and miss out on deals then it leaves more for the rest of us.
It's dicey to present products exceptionally cheap but highly limited stock to extract a fee from many people to make up for the low or negative margins. I dont know if it qualifies as a bait and switch but it's deceptive and probably illegal somewhere in the competition and consumer act.
Petition for a ban of this store
They'll still have amazing deals like these, ozbargain users just won't know about them.
They have limited stock, unfortunately it's a limitation of their store sales system that the stock isn't super up to date.. The deal is genuine though, and memberships get refunded.
They are allowing refunds of membership fees if the item is not in stock.
Says out of stock after adding to cart
add to cart or check out? i can add to cart on both the edge and normal version
It says out of stock in cart.
oh i see thanks.
No. Jimbler
And received none of them…..
Yup, it's out of stock in cart.
yeah, run the risk of being refunded - $25 after 30 days
Added to the cart, working for me
I took a quick video of the process
You got me
This is inappropriate content.
Damn it, rick rolled too :(
Got an order in for 1, PayPal pay after delivery ftw :) cheers op let's see if it happens
get me one too pls <3
It looks like you've ordered an item that is not currently available.
Your order has been directed to our Customer Care Team to find the quickest way of supplying this to you.
Some special orders may take some time to source and we will contact you as soon as we
have the information and expected delivery date.
let me guess, you've already paid?
Well, hasn't come out of my account tho. As I said, pay after delivery :)
Reading is hard.
'pay after delivery ftw' how do you do that?
Something you used to be able to opt into in PayPal
load up paypal with all the amex, mastercard, and visa deals from OZB and link all the bank accounts you've opened and you get pay after delivery
Refunded! But meh, no money left my account :)
Just bought the S7 edge. Fingers crossed I actually get it haha…
well the s6 edge 64gb is available for $329.70 i guess that could be considered a bargain still
Ordered 1. Fingers crossed and see if they will honour it.
Cool scam bro
LOL they will love all the new registrations they get.
Will sit this one out, am pretty sure they wont be supplying Ozb stock requirements of S7s @ $344.70
They are on the other hand, going to sell a lot of unwanted $25 memberships
Not sure why this is marked as expired. Still some stock (order confirmed a couple mins ago).
I don't think is is a pricing error. It is advertised on banners:…
Well the OP on listed the s7,but yeah the s6's are still bargains and in stock.
That's s6.
Out of stock upon buying despite saying in stock during purchase.
I bet(figuratively) not a single person on here can get this delivered at this price.
Scam site at best. Too bad they don't refund membership fees once an item is sold out.
Major issue with retailer.
Insufficient quantity.
Not available to Australia.
Please tell me if any of you receive this…
Major issue with retailer
Not available to Australia
Maybe visit an Australian university, you will see one there.
Yeah but it's online only (at least for this price)
i wonder if the rep will comment on this
Good luck on that
What rep?
yeah.. dodgy. very tempting but I know what is going to happen. I don't want to waste $25 signing up and getting nothing..
70% off Samsung advertised on front page, looks legit to me.
Yeah, I like the * meaning there's a catch. Always some bs in advertising
Ordered an S7 edge, despite it being "out of stock". Website says it will be shipped in 10-20 days, versus "next business day" on the in-stock S7. Got nothing to lose…
They did the same thing with the keyboards Alamos a month ago. It's always happens for membership then don't refund it. It's a scam
Thankfully I already have a membership for uni textbooks in the past. If I didn't, it'd be too much of a risk.
Hope it works out for you. I also hope they also follow first in best dressed rule.
Am already a member from the distant past, so logged in, changed my address from the one I moved out of in 1998, and I could proceed to checkout upon which it said "Out of Stock, expected delivery 10-20 days". Hmmm…
Bought one…let see what will happen
Just placed an order.. also 6.40% cashback through cashrewards :)
not off the membership fee though
Scam site allowed now on ozb eh?
Ordered an Edge, says out of stock, possibly back order. Pretty good if they can deliver, Cashrewards is an added bonus.
Thank you for shopping with the Co-op.
Your order placed with the Co-op on 2 May 2017 12:21:23 am AEST is being processed at the Sydney CBD store.
Let's hope this works. I've got a feeling there is a 95% chance I will be $25 poorer with no S7..
Yeah I went back and ordered the edge too. If I'm in this lottery I may as well have 2 tickets!
Yep.. Just as expected. Refund processing…
does any one receives transaction confirmation email?
i did recieved mine says the order is being processed at unisa mawson lakes sa
It seems it's processed by the local store, in my case Sydney NSW.
Coop is probably the largest academic publication retailer in the country, I have been a member for 20 years.
Not sure what people are on about?! Pricing error or not, it's definitely a legit business.
A business selling memberships.
What's wrong with that? It's their business model, you are welcome to pay non-member price.
Try reading all the comments.
Like Costco.
Got one. Seems like it's legit? their website itself says.. "We're for real" haha
The $25 is also good for many other things the co-op provides to broaden ones mind ….. a renaissance of learning at discount prices (books) as we are inspired to learn technology and enter the era of Australian innovation and growth and prepare ourselves for jobs of the future …… get a refund could mean missing out on this opportunity of more affordable learning (cheaper books and calculators)…..
I have my RMIT co-op card from 20 years ago …. $10 …. still works …… allas RMIT no cheap phones.
says $1099 member price if you access it via account login, so seems to be one deal via the web page and a different price for the S7 if you login as a member.
a renaissance of learning at discount prices (books) as we are inspired to learn technology
Ahhh, you do realize many uni students are buying secondhand books from other students instead of willingly getting ripped off by the textbook authors and their middleman?
and when Amazon gets here they'll be the first to feel the pinch
Preach it! New Text books prices are CANCER to an already Expensive Learning system. bloody oath!
Bought S7 and S7 edge, and got confirmation emails for both
Where is the Op to confirm if this is legit or not?
I think only the S6 is on sale, the S7 looks to be a pricing error.
OP isn't a rep, how can they confirm it?
We'll all find out tomorrow
Sorry meant Rep.
The rep was on Ozbargain.
Thank you for your purchase!
You will receive an order confirmation email with details of your order and a link to track its progress.
LoL keep us updated…
I will start the disappointment countdown-
7 ….
Wow great find. I hope it's not a pricing error
Alternatively, the s7 edge is only $375