Currently have looked at flights into Ho Chi Minh, and Phnom Penh - just trying to figure out the cheapest way in and out including visas etc.
Looking to Do 2 Weeks in Cambodia. Want to Find The Cheapest Way in and out from Sydney?

penguinprincess101 on 01/05/2017 - 12:08
i believe it is harder to get a visa on arrival when you are crossing the boarder from Vietnam to Cambodia.
If you're flying into Cambodia, either Siem Reap or Phnom Penh, you can get Visa on Arrival which is around $30 US (have exact change).
Or for a more faster approach E-Visa
Air Asia or equiviliant have budget flights from neighbouring countries like Thailand or Vietnam. Maybe check Malaysia or Singapore too
Not sure what you're after in particular, but jsut check IWTF, skyscanner etc for flight deals.
If you want to really save, try going from vietnam to cambodia via bus/coach? But flight will probably be cheaper and too much more expensive.
Visa for vietnam can be tricky - lots of scams. The way I did it was to go to and followed the links to Vietnamese embassy website. There are like 50 fake vietnamese embassy websites and they all look lefit so just be mindful.
From memory, visa for Vietnam cost about $80.