Claiming Work-Related Travel Expenses - Tax

Hi all,

I've never claimed work-related travel expenses before and was wondering if those that have can share some of their experiences?

For me; I have an office job that requires me to frequently visit our other sites across Melbourne during business hours.

I make the commute in my own car and pay for my own petrol, E-tag, maintenance etc.

I've heard of people logging their KMs in a diary, wondering how that actually works?

Happy to hear suggestions on what's claimable and how to go about it?



  • +5

    When if comes to vehicle expenses, you first need to work out your business use percentage.

    You cannot claim to your main office of employment. Anything else is claimable.

    You'll need to have a diary/travel log, for a continuous 12 weeks, for all business kilometres. From there you, or your accountant, will take into account your private kilometres to determine your percentage of business use. (example - 4000 business out of 5000 total = 80% business use)

    From there you are able to claim 80% of all expenses related to your vehicle (petrol, tyres, servicing, registration, insurance, car wash, car stereo and performance parts etc.) I claim my entire Citylink bill, as I don't use a Citylink for private use.

    Be aware that you don't get all that money back, cash in hand. It REDUCES your TAXABLE INCOME, thus lowering the tax you need to pay.

    Let me know if this isn't clear enough

    • Thanks for the advice!

      Is there a special diary/travel log that the ATO likes people to use?

      Or do you just use an excel spreadsheet?

      Do you have any suggestions on a template perhaps?

      • +1

        Excel is fine.

        Just make sure on the first day of the logbook you write the starting odometer and the last day has the final odometer reading.

        Then you can write whatever business kilometres apply in between those dates.

        Also, keep receipts for all your petrol and service stuff.

      • Officeworks or $2 shops should even sell a hard copy book if you want to keep it in your car for ease. Yes

        • and this book is tax deductible, too!

      • Try that Quickbooks app that is always being advertised on Youtube. Its supposed to do km tracking etc for tax time

  • Do you use an accountant?

    • This will be my first year where I think I might need to.

      Have always looked after everything myself.

  • +2

    You don't get allowances or reimbursement from your employer for all that travel? Would be preferable to claiming a deduction.

  • +5

    if you are travelling less the 5k kilometres per year you can use the cents per kilometre method which is a lot easier.…

    • Whoops! My comment above assumed he was traveling more than 5000 KMs.

      How silly of me!

    • Wow this method is ridiculously easy…

      Can I assume that if I did use the method I wouldn't be able to claim my rego, insurance, e-tag, petrol etc?

      • +1

        It's all included in the cents per kilometre.

        You cannot claim for everything else.

        • Thanks for the advice, I do travel less than 5,000KM per year so this solution is MUCH easier than the logbook option.

        • @Joe146:
          this is by no means financial advice but i would claim the full 5k or very close to.

  • Go and see a tax person, even H And R block. They will tell you exactly what you need to do after you explain all the details to them.

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