Hey, I'm looking at getting into snowboarding and don't have any of the gear but also don't have an extra arm and a leg to spend on gear and also the trips! So if anyone knows some bargain websites or even some stores in Melbourne, it would be much apprecuated! TIA.
What Are The Cheapest Websites/Stores in Melbourne for Snow Gear and Accessories?

Thanks heaps! Shall look into it! I've heard the inexpensive goggles aren't as good due to them fogging up easier, is this true?
I have always worn cheap polarized sunglasses (with a lanyard).
Absolutely true! The worst part of skiing/Boarding is when you cant see what you are doing. You can get goggles with 'anti-fog' spray on them but in my experience the best goggles are the ones with a double lens setup (inner and outer lens, not an interchangeable lens). You dont need to spend $400 on the latest Oakleys but I would be looking for the cheapest double lens goggles I could afford.
I would not wear jeans boarding. As soon as the snow starts to melt on them your legs will be soaked.
And would highly recommend goggles over sunglassesdo not listen to this. buy the best you can afford. and spend money on good brands. don't be poor.
Dont ski in jeans and a non-waterproof jacket. There are waterproof ski/board pants made to look like jeans, these are OK but regular jeans are useless. They might be OK if it is a warm bluebird day with not a cloud in sight but the weather can turn nasty quickly and Australian resorts have a haboit of raining frequently. NOTHING would be worse than being stuck somewhere out the back of the resort, soaked to the skin in -10 weather wearing soaked through jeans and jacket. Aside from being dangerous it is probably going to ruin your expensive day at the snow. Also, that expensive lift ticket will be totally wasted if you spend the day sitting in a bar/restaurant because you need to thaw out/dry off or cant go out because it is too wet.
Aldi Snow sale is actually coming up real soon i believe
Mid-May usually, so only a month to go!
+1 for Aldi - my first snow gear were from Aldi and they were pretty good quality IMO.
Rebel sport also stock snow gear and when they go on sale it's affordable. I have seen 40% off sales just before snow season, but big sales usually happen after peak period.Cheap goggles are often a hit or miss. Some work fine (rebel sport - $50) and some fog up (Aussie disposals - $30, absolutely shit quality - AVOID).
Do not wear jeans! Most snowboarders sit down to tie in their boots, so unless you like walking/snowboarding with wet butts, don't wear them.
There's a couple of snow gear stores near Melbourne, but they're all pretty expensive branded stuff. You might be able to find some old clearance stock, but they're still quite expensive after the discount - Auski, Melbourne Snowboard Centre, Twelve Board store, trigger bros. etc.
As far as snow gear online is your friend. US and northern season has just finished, look online for them closing out the kit they couldnt sell during their season. I like www.levelninesports.com but there are literally thousands of online discount ski kit shops.
In terms of clothes, look for something that has decent ratings. They normally give a rating for 'waterproofing' and 'breathability'. The former is how well the jacket/pants keep water and wind out, 3K is entry level (useless), 25K is top of the line (Goretex). The latter rating is how well the garment breathes allowing your internal sweat to escape. No point keeping the water out only to drown in your own sweat by skiing in a plastic bag. As per the other ratings, 3K is bad, 10K ish and up is OK.
I would also recommend some decent gloves. I ski so dont spend much time on the ground but snowboarders seem to spend half their time sitting on the snow or doing up bindings etc. Wet and freezing hands arent much fun, get some decent gloves. I know some people that carry a set of plastic washing up gloves with them to wear over the top of their other gloves if it starts raining, i just wear good gloves to begin with.
there is normally a 'coalition brands' poup shop that appears in Melbourne somewhere at the start of each season and sells past season snow kit at a discount. They normally advertise on here. In terms of B&M shops, there are sometimes bargains in the various factory outlets (Billabong, Hurley, Rip Curl etc) but often odd sizes.
Thanks so much mate! Some great insight.'
For the record, I ski quite a bit, I am a member of a lodge here in Oz and I also do an annual trip to somewhere in europe or the US. I have kitted myself and my kids out with end of season kit from the US. I have bought a load of stuff from Sierra Trading Post but the postage changed about 2 years ago and now it is so expensive it can kill a deal. If you are after good quality stuff you can normally get a goretex jacket from them for a fraction of what it would cost here. Postage might then come along and kill the deal but if you are after good quality kit (much better than Aldi) it might still be worth it. Before everyone tries to tell me how great their Aldi kit is….I have seen it, I have bought it for my kids (when they were toddlers) and I have mates that ski in it. If you are going to be doing some beginner lessons at Mt Buller and maybe 2 or 3 weekends at a resort, Crane Sports is economical and OK. If you are looking for serious, long lasting stuff you would happily take to the US Backcountry or ski at the big overseas resorts where it gets seriously cold, you need good quality kit. Decide what level kit you need and buy accordingly. I skied 2 days in Chamonix france in heavy rain (went all the way there, wasnt going to let rain stop me). Not ideal but when you've come from Australia to ski, you go and ski. I was a bit wet but definitely OK, My mate's Crane Sports pants were wetter than wet, we left him in the coffee shop. He could have rung the things out. They are Ok for an average day at an Aussie resort, no good if it starts raining.
A mate I ski overseas with bought a Helly Hansen jacket from Sportsdirect from the UK at an amazing deal, literally about 70% off what the shops wanted for it here. Postage from the UK seems pretty cheap as a rule as well. Helmets are also much cheaper from overseas, I bought mine from Sierra but my mate bought a colour coordinated one from Sportsdirect also for a steal. I bought my son a snowboarding helmet from levelninesports, the exact same helmet was on sale in one of the large surf style shops at Knox City Westfield here in Melbourne. The Surf shop wanted nearly $200 for it, we paid about $50 USD plus some postage for it along with a couple of other things.
Another idea I havent tried for ski stuff but use for cycling stuff is the Facebook sale groups. i know there is a Ski stuff one on there. You may be able to buy the snow kit off someone that bought all the gear last year and is never going again so wants to sell it all.
Anaconda seems alright, only just bought, haven't been to the snow in them though.
Check Groupon, we used them to rent snow rental gear from the Ski Co and Charlotte Pass holiday package.
Also check ebay
if you're starting out snowboarding then hire the board and boots.
as for other gear, I've always just worn jeans and tshirt and a himalayan made coat (i.e. warm jacket that can be opened at the front because you can get hot.) and always wear 2 pairs of socks with your boots.
buy some inexpensive google or just wear some inexpensive polarized sunglasses.
and get a helmet!!!