½ Price All (20) Mirabella LED Globes @ Coles (Prices from $3.25 to $6.50). Enjoy :)
½ Price All (20) Mirabella LED Globes @ Coles (Prices from $3.25 to $6.50)

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I think she's from the same factory as Philips Ruddock.
If you want to be enlightened, she now works for Gina Rinehart…
Pretty sure she married the guy whose family started it.
OMG, now I understand why you dislike her so much…
Her relationship with Howard was later the subject of a bitter dispute between Mirabella and Howard's adult children who questioned Mirabella’s care for and treatment of their father in the months leading up to a serious illness in late 2008 when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
No, the old man was just a sugar daddy she never publicly acknowledged.
(I think you're confusing me with another poster, ColinHowardsEstate)
Heeeere's Tightarse.
Damn it, just bought a Philips ES14 from Bunnings for $6.50.
He did it to me last week too with Woolies ones !
I think he should reimburse us for his tardiness.
Sounds like the sort of thing a scab would say
How good are the mirabella ones or should I just stick with Philips
I think Philips are better, but Mirabella are still pretty good.
Philips' colour temp seems more accurate.
I'll stick with Philips then
Best LEDs I've used were Mort Bay (Masters used to stock them), but they're pretty hard to find now.
Expensive too ($20 for an ES14), but they were really heavy with a huge heatsink and accurate colour temps.
I have a whole stash of Philips from when dick smith closed down. Was going to stock up more but I'll wait till next Philips sale I guess
Woolies still seem to have them on sale.
Not anymore.
I dont know about LED's but all my Mirabella CFL's were crap.
CFLs are crap in general though.
Go for Phillips any days. The quality difference is like Great Wall to Mercedes Benz.
Mirabella is better for me. Better cooling and better colour retention when compared to Phillips. Mirabella did have better lumens per watt but Phillips just released newer bulbs so they are now at about 100 lumen per watt each.
Also i find that Mirabella rates actual the light output and Phillips seem to state LED lumens.
Also i find that Mirabella rates actual the light output and Phillips seem to state LED lumens.
Not sure what you mean, an LED's light output is measured in lumens?
You can only use wattage with LEDs as a general and rough guide.
LED lumens is a theoretical number. I can right now build you a light lets say using a Cree XML2 and use a 3 amp driver running at 3.5v which should equal 10.5 watts and in theory that should deliver 1050 lumens at the LED. Its already been rated to do so.
The actual amount of light will be slightly less because of losses in light after leaving the LED and going through the optics plus losses for tint variants things like that.
So basically Mirabella may state a lower number per watt but they are measuring actual light delivery after losses which is the correct ANSI way.
Not to mention all my Phillips bulb run hotter then the Mirabella which will cause greater loss in light output.
I have done my own lux tests with the Mirabella and Aldi and Phillips bulbs. My Mirabella bulbs are a few years old now so i can account for my own bulbs!
They are cheap junk. Spend a bit more on something that will last heaps longer.
If you like warmer (more yellow) light and usually pick warm whites, then the Mirabella is more yellow than Philips. I believe the colour temperature is 2700K for Mirabella and 3000K for Philips, at least for the brighter ones from experience anyway (above 10W).
How do the GU10 LED compare to Philips?
Grabbed the GU10 4 pack from woolies for $17.50 last week and I'm very impressed as they are only 4.5 watts IIRC
But you bought Philips which is a great brand, these are great downlights. They were asking though how the Mirabella ones compared. I'm not sure myself, but I'd prefer Philips.
ooo downlights too :D
Down, down, lights are down.
Does anyone know the exact colour temperature of their warm white ones?
Usually 2700K (at least the ones I've seen), but they're more yellow than other brands I've compared them to of the same rated temp.
Scab, you should start a wikipedia on LED globes! Thanks sir :)
Not by choice, I had to learn the hard way when I changed all my house's globes to LED and made a few mistakes on the way.
Now I'm delving into the murky waters of LED dimmable which should be fun.
@Scab: Definitely wasted my fair share of money on LEDS (for downlight replacements). Some rooms have dimmable ones.
My general issue is they are too bright and too white (even the 'warm' ones). Ended up going to 10W dichromic halogen for the dimmables.
My general issue is they are too bright and too white
Probably had a shitty CRI, especially if you're used to halogen/incandescent.
Ended up going to 10W dichromic halogen for the dimmables.
I'm also considering halogen, at least they are guaranteed to dim.
Yes confirm that Mirabella is more 'yellow' than Philips which were 3000K.
Any of these dimmable? (Guessing not)
Looking for non-dim 600lm cool white/daylight/5000k - any suggestions? Something that is 7w or greater. Need for garage.
Not off the top of my head, and not 5000K.
I know Philips do an A shape one, but that's 6500K.
BTW, why the wattage stipulation, that doesn't really matter all that much with LEDs as they are rated in lumens and not wattage?
Open the garage door?
@Scab: thanks, agree wattage is not important, just generally I haven't seen anything less than 7w that will give 600lm. GU10 variety is poor from local shops. Found on eBay but not sure the quality. Found 9W 800lm 120 degree angle 6000K. Place is showing CE , RoHS and FCC compliance.
Strange choice for garage lighting. Must be a McMansion.Try some SAL downlights from somewhere like www.ezelectrical.com.au
Got an interesting result when swapping out an old 100W incandescent for a 15W LED corn light in the garage. It's on a motion sensor and the LED replacement glows slightly when it's 'off'. Apparently this is normal with some sensors and the way they're wired - always on … just very slightly. Old power hungry bulbs don't get enough power to glow visibly, but (all?) LEDs do. I find it handy approaching a darkened basement, when I get a dull view of what's been left on the stairs just before the sensor kicks in.
Is there an 11w cool white screw cap? I bought two ages ago and can't seem to find one anymore anywhere.
I bought a couple of warm mirabella LED globes a couple of years ago, but had to return them as they were so yellow. They just looked really off compared to other warm CFL's, LED's and filament bulbs I'd had in the past. Phillips is the best I've found for the price, especially when they're half-price.
What's the difference between the GLS, Edison and fancy round? Is it just the shape?
GLS is your typical light bulb - incandescent filament and usually a 'normal' light bulb shape.
Edison is the type of socket connector - Edison screw (the alternative is a Bayonet) - and it comes in a few different diameters (E14, E17, etc).
Fancy Round is a shape for the globe itself that's, you guessed it, round and often used in decorative lamps or around a bathroom/make-up mirror.
Sophie Mirabella?