FREE admission to members of the Australian Emergency Services, Doctors, Nurses and Carers, Defence Force Personnel, Teachers and Educational Staff. Plus, we’re offering up to $60.00 saving per ticket for 3 friends and family during Community Month for $29.99
FREE Entry to Wet'n'Wild, Movie World and Sea World [QLD] in May for Various Professions

Last edited 25/04/2017 - 02:34 by 1 other user
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According to Gerry it is.
Interesting I wonder how this works for the family and friends option? Is it a charge of $29.99 per one entrance to a park or a one off charge for entrance to all parks as much as you like for the month?
Yes, because doctors can't afford to go to theme parks.
This is about recognising valued professions in our Community (their words : Community heroes). Not about who can afford what.
I trust you put value in doctors, nurses, teachers, defence and emergency response personnel?
This is about recognising valued professions in our Community
and why are these the only valued professions?
they all certainly get very well compensated for what they do…
I don't see free entry for all the volunteers that get paid nothing to help people…
Shit posting on OzB doesn't count as "volunteering" either Jv
No one has suggested these are the only valued professions.
I'm not going to lose my shit because an anesthetist with a couple of negatively geared properties gets to take his family out for a free day @ Sea World.
Please feel free to remain outraged though.
Shit posting on OzB doesn't count as "volunteering"
neither does charging $60-$70 for a 5 minute consultation…
No one has suggested these are the only valued professions.
Village Roadshow Theme Parks have deemed these are the only valued professions for community service…
Very well compensated? I'm not at all complaining, but saying all Emergency Service employees are "very well compensated" is not true. A lot people, including myself, that join Police/Fire/Ambo's actually take a pay cut compared to what they were doing before they joined.
Again, I am not complaining about wages, it's not about money. I CHOOSE to do what I do, but don't make rediculous claims about things you know nothing about.
@jv: You pigeon holed emergency services and ADF into the same, "very well compensated" wage category as doctors. Ok.
Any one can become a Doctor these days
There are quite a few dodgy doctors who are really registered that rort the system that will qualify for this free offer as 'community heroes'.
@aja12: Look some people may have taken a pay cut going into emergency services
And talking with our resident Troll can make one over react.
However "a lot" is an exaggeration.
Many in public service, compare their wages to the elite of the private sector, rather than the majority who dont get 15% super, shorter working week, fringe tax benefits, better sick leave, parental leave, maternity leave. Then Pension benefits at retirement that dont count towards the asset tests.
Volunteers (SES, RFS) get free entries as well.
Dr's are pretty low-paid profession in Australia.7 years of studying, plus 2 years internship, nevertheless the countless books and overtime studying for what?
…something like $55,000 starting salary.Maybe you're thinking of Dr's such as specialists like for heart/lung/skin/fertility… they average around $160,000 yearly.
As far as money is concerned a Dr is the wrong way to go about it unless you are talented/determined enough to specialise.
You'd be much better off getting a job in Engineering and working for one of the big companies.
It's a cheaper course, and only 5 years, and your starting salary is $90,000… and it rises quicker than a Dr's.Or you know, invest into the Business/Economics in the Eneloop Sector : )
Dr's are pretty low-paid profession in Australia.
Of course they are. They're living in poverty aren't they…
Well, yes… for the first 10 years of their life they really do live at the poverty line (unless: rich parents).
After that they start getting paid what they're worth.You're much better off working at Woolies, then becoming a regional manager in those 10 years.
Why do you think there's thousands of Australian Doctors leaving Australia to live in the US/UK ?You're much better off working at Woolies, then becoming a regional manager in those 10 years.
100% with you jv.
I appreciate what the doctor and the paramedics do, 100 percent.
But (profanity), we tradies get skimped something shocking.
we tradies get skimped something shocking.
Yep, most tradies I know only get about $120 per hour !!!
What about other health professionals that the public trusts? Dentists? Pharmacists? Physio?
Doctorate dose that count.
Doctorate in dosing?
Na mate.
Again phD's are made useless….
Nothing for members of the oldest profession?
They'd have to bump up the chlorine levels on that day.
At least there would some decent rides…
At least there would some decent rides…
Wet'n'Wild would certainly get a good run in the media…
Their bosses wouldn't let them go. Time is money.
They would if they got the $29.99 tickets for friends & family.
U got friends JV?
Maybe jv is female? Ever thought about that? Maybe do some research on Ozbargain and let us know when you have come up with an answer. ;-)
Defence Force Personnel wonder if includes ex serviceman
wonder if includes ex serviceman
"FREE entry will only be granted to Community Heroes with a valid industry photo ID and/or proof of employment."
anzac's excluded
Most likely they aren't considered to have 'served the community' by Village Roadshow…
This is great, but how is this not discrimination? Just curious…
I mean I'm sure this sort of freebie is legal, just seems a bit….. not nice to people not in those industries.
a way to pay back people of these professions even though they are already paid wella promo.It's
promocommunity monthJust struggling to understand how offering discounts based on profession, to a non profession related activity, is fair at all.
I mean at a simplistic level, how is this different to offering free entry to people aged over 40? Or men only?
There is no such a thing as profession discrimination.
If you want to be a Dr or Nurse, you can do so, only thing will stop your is your knowledge, perhaps you can argue as Mental Disability Discrimination, go find a good lawer.
How its different from aged over 40? Or men only? Well there is a [ACT] (…) for it, go read it.If this freeby doesn't apply to you, too bad so sad.
You can look at it as a way of saying "hey kids, stay in school"
It is discrimination. It's a hard world but you'll get over being unfaired against.
Discrimination??? Lol, ok.
Includes members of the State Emergency Service. Awesome!
Not volunteers who help though, only those getting paid to do it…
Well that is disappointing. You sure? It doesn't say anything about whether or not it applies to employees or not.
People who volunteer and don't have photo id or proof of 'employment' cannot get the free entry according to the website.
Actually, they do. SES Members (Volunteers) receive an ID, & only ID or proof of employment is required.
@onesimpleclik: Actually, SES volunteers are deemed to be employees for workcover purposes. We are bound by policies and procedures. We are employed, and get compensated by way of receiving community gratitude!!! So, volunteers should be able to enjoy this deal.
Although, looking at the terms and conditions, these just require that you should be able to prove that you qualify. I doubt anyone at the gate would like to have an argument about a volunteer emergency services status. Especially with the United Airlines issue still fresh in people's minds.and get compensated by way of receiving community gratitude
And how do you calculate the tax on that?
I'm an unpaid volunteer, and I can use my member ID to get in for free on these special days.
I volunteered and helped my neighbours during the last storms but nobody gave me an ID.
@jv: It's free to join, training and camaraderie are also free :) Just be prepared to get up and go if there is an urgent tree job at 1am and your team is on call.
@This Void: my mate in the SES a few weekends ago did 3 16hr shifts over 3 days (cyclone Debbie). Although he is a team leader and is fully committed to it. He is also employed in the public health sector and gets paid leave from work to do SES.
It's also why I have refused to join, I'm in the private sector, wouldn't get paid and would have to give up my free time. I'll just pay the $79 or whatever it is for entry into the theme park. :p
It's about time doctors got something back
Yes, it must be hard paying off the mortgage for the holiday house at Portsea, the yacht at Brighton, the Cessna at Essendon and the merc and beamer in the driveway…
Couldnt quite get that medical degree huh? Naww.
Nah, I think iv's traumatised by the vaccines they gave him as a kid.
They stuck mine from the backside, which is why I'm such a tight arse.
That's gotta be it !
Um what about Engineers? Who do you think designed the rides??
Spewing, typing up an email to the ACCC as we speak =p
Ayyy…what about the lawyers?
I agree Lawyers should be beta testing new rides and really old unmaintained rides.
Lawyers should be beta testing new rides
Why are you berating lawyers, they should be 'alpha' testing…
True, my bad, thanks for the correction.
So the teachers will be wagging school to go to the theme parks. Nice!
Would anyone notice?
I thought trained professionals would have spent enough work time around theme parks on the Gold Coast?
Dreamworld are also offering 7 days for the price of 1 until the end of April. I just spent 10 days on the Goldie and the kids loved the place. 3 days in a row spent at Dreamworld - had to have a break!
PS - I'm not a doctor.
And no-one had to be treated by one as a result of your time there? They must've really improved the place.
So, my carer, do they mean someone who is on carer's payment via DHS/Centrelink?
Ah I see, give the people that earn all the money in the world a free day at a theme park.
No drama, myself and all us other hard working tradies will ruin our bodies building said offices for you people to enjoy.
Kinda pisses me off. No love for the apprentice or tradie.
Thanks for this deal. I'm at Sea World right now (my wife is a care worker)
can Ozbargainer be a profession ?