Lowes have a FREE shipping sitewide promotion today only.
These floral suits were a hit last time this was posted with Scab getting himself a new suit!
Lowes have a FREE shipping sitewide promotion today only.
These floral suits were a hit last time this was posted with Scab getting himself a new suit!
Thats the beauty of this very versatile suit. It doubles as both.
Druggo Pimp?
hi haji
I'll pick option 3: general admission at the races
Ill wear this to my upcoming flower power interview.
Thanks OP, this will look good on me at my next court appearance :)
Saul Goodman?
It's all good man
Dont forget the flower pot as a hat
How many vinos did you have before you pulled the trigger and bought the suit?
Probably more sane if I drank some vino before buying the suit or making other tough life decisions lol :P
Perfect timing, i've got a job interview tomorrow.
I am interviewing someone tomorrow. You better rock up in this suit!
OZB official wear!
Good for my mother in law.
Perfect suit to wear to court. Magistrate will immediately dismiss the charges based on mental health issues.
Or have you committed…
Or jail you for contempt of court….
Valentine's day present sorted for lifetime.
😂 Looks like a good match for my Grandma's handbag.
I was thinking curtains - great for hide'n'seek.
that dude is trippin balls….
This is the best post I've ever seen on here
Love one of the reviews: "The suit is very comfortable and my friends on Facebook love the colour design of the suit after I posted a picture of me wearing it"
Probably only place they can post their photo, after they lost all their real life friends after buying the suit :p
I'm getting one for when I play Splatoon with the kids !!!
anyone know where I can get a cane and matching hat?
You can get the cane from Citizen Cane, and matching hats usually blow from the wind down the street straight under your cane.
Perfect for when you need to blend in… to curtain… at your in-laws…
Ordered. Going to play hide and seek with my kids this upcoming Floriade and can never be found!
Melbourne Cup suit sorted!
Should come with the caution.. "Do not wear the suit in high bee density areas, unless you work at the bee farm".
Already out of stock? Unable to select any of the sizes.
Try http://mobile.lowes.com.au/productdetail.aspx?pid=20692
… And don't forget the red noose to complete the moment http://mobile.lowes.com.au/productdetail.aspx?pid=6832
+vote for just the picture and whoever came up with the idea of the suit.
and hell no, i aint buying one
You know you want to.
Floral suit OzBargain meetup?
So where does one stick the carnation?
Anyone who can pull this off is a champion style-master in my eyes.
Plus, where else are you going to find a suit for that price?
Thailand or Vietnam.
So true. That exact style too!
bought….now where to find some vase-shoes???
What a deal. Craig sager rolling in grave right now.
Perfect for hunting.
Do I need this? Absolutely (profanity) not. Am I seriously considering buying this? That is another question altogether..
lovely cut
shouldn't be too hard to spot the ozbargainer in the street, once the delivery of these start to arrive
What if they purchased early and paid full price?
You too can be schmexy for the low price of 200 schmeckles!
delivered required to avoid in-store humiliation? lol… good suit for a gag
It's been OzBargained :(
This. I was in the middle of getting my friends to get one with me. Too late now. The only size left is "scrawny".
Just in time for ANZAC day.
genuiinely considering this o.O
Floriade 2017 sorted.
I'll be a display of my own.
perfect COMBO with the HAVAIANAS THONGs, also on ozbargin now for $10…
LOL - It should be under Secret Men's Business Suits.
Damn, all sold out. That's possible the best suit I've ever seen.
So annoyed I don't have a boyfriend to buy this for haha…
But it for a future boyfriend who will then always show up on your birthday, at your work and in front of your friends/family with flowers like the good boyfriend he is.
Maybe you can give it to an ex?
Wow some people actually bought it??
man I missed out
would it be bad taste for a funeral?
It depends; I've attended 2 funerals where the deceased's plan requested bright cheerful colours.
How did this go 'Out of Stock'?? WHO THE HELL IS BUYING THIS?
lol my thoughts exactly.
Broden will
Who the hell isn't?!
I genuinely would have. I would totally rock this!
If you missed out, you can get the vest! It's not the best, but you'll pass the test.
Tempting… but it just doesn't say as much as that suit.
Sweeeet, you can make it a three piece!
Sold out too :(
I want one made of real Gorilla chest, see my vest, see my vest.
oh my eyes want to vomit looking at that vest hahah!
This man deserves a standing ovation and so do others who buy this.
Buying it is easy…. wearing it out requires more balls and less brains.
Just bought the last one - will put it in ebay from 120$
Sold out? Was trying to get all my bros to buy and wear it the same time to bring camouflage to the party.
My friend wore this to formal a few years ago. It was everyones favorite suit
Still showing 40/34R in stock … be quick!
Damn.. missed out on this deal.. :( LOL
I'm genuinely disappointed that I missed out on this.
Matt Ballin too busy modelling and not playing for the tigers
Wot n ternation??
Damn it! Sold out. Now what am I going to wear to the funeral?!
Some people here have a very expensive sense of humor…
and with the inevitable playboy mansion orgy that would follow after wearing this in public, you can tell the girls in the morning to wake up & smell the cotton/spandex mix,
I don't want to look like a moving Christmas Tree 🎄😄
Its good Camouflage if you wanna bug out at the Royal botanical gardens.
Worth buying just to see the look on my client's faces for my next meeting.
Just out of curiosity - did anyone here buy one of these suits?
Sold out?! OzB has got a lot of balls (courageous men).
Does it make the wearer look more like a pimp or a drug dealer?