I noticed these soon after a top-hatted doorman ushered me into the magnificent environs of Cessnock's Ye Olde Reject Shoppe. Not long now until their Royal Warrant, which is fair considering Victoria Beckham's cacophonous plea for a zig-a-zig-aah concluded with an OBE … for services to fashion. Next, the Teletubbies should receive peerages.
Situated between displays of thrush pâté and French wild truffles, opposite the Cartier concession, these packs of breakfast cereal are Best Before 07/06/2017. Made in USA, both Golden Whole Grain Bites (Original) and Golden Whole Grain Bites (Cinnamon) contain over 80% whole grain. Now there's a surprise.
These are currently in Coles, dated Best Before ??/09/2017 for $4.00 previously $6.00.
Each box invites visiting www.benatural.com.au where the brand owner - Kellogg's - is unmentioned. The website is overwhelmingly folksy and infused with deeply sincere hipsters eager to spare their children the rampant toxicity ubiquitous in … er … the environment they brought their children into anyway.
So purchase this product immediately or the Earth will split into two and the two halves shall be flung into the void.
Predestined for my yellow-lidded bin, the box's side desperately pleads "If you love me, give me a second life and recycle me!" Honestly, my carrier bags haven't throttled a dolphin for weeks. So predictably squeaky …
In anticipation of requests like https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/4534255/redir
TLDR: Cheap Kellogg's cereal 99c for 460g, generally requires milk.
Eloquent. Makes me want to rush there in my coach.