Hey guys I just received shirts and shorts from Nike and was wondering if it was free returns or they charge for returns?
Nike Returns

Bargainhunter1299o on 21/04/2017 - 21:28
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Will I get in trouble if I report this post as "other" due to OP being incredibly lazy?
Actually, I swear the actual effort of creating a forum post on this was more effort than it would have been to google it. Seriously.
People like to be spoon fed, for something so simple. Some people here also like spoon feeding others to feel nice, but really it's just encouraging lazyness and encourage others not to use their brains.
Thanks for contacting OzNikeSupport.
Unfortunately, we do not accept returns.
Rather than contacting us, you should of checked our website http://OzBargainIsNotGoogle.com.au/OzNikeSupportThanks
OzNikeSupportShould have!!!
Your write
They'll charge.