Negative Feedback

Before I start I should say I am a store representative/Owner.

I just signed up to this site a couple of days back and posted our 1st deal. Now within hours we are being savaged by couple of ppl and I think its a bit unfair.

One of the people who voted negative had a valid reason that Target had the same item for .99 cents less - now that happened a day or so before we setup our store to we were not aware that target just posted a "special".

Negative vote is OK - our deal was not good enough……and we'll cop criticism. However I think to "ban" us for some time from posting another bargain is a bit harsh. I think a notice or something.. specially for new users should be there before harsher methods like banning.

The 2nd negative vote was just a "i agree"… so there were no other reasons besides a .99 cents higher price … I think a comment would have been better then a negative vote but that the prerogative of those users.

I think this is counter productive and discourages ppl.

We responded to this criticism by reducing our prices further .. but I cant even edit the already posted deal coz of this "ban" to inform users here of new price. So who looses out? everyone! We may loose some potential sales and someone may loose a great deal!

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  • The ban is the same for everyone….rep or otherwise…..

    A kind of quality control mechanism I guess…..they do have to be very good deals….

  • HI andy19363

    Thanks for the comment. I am not saying the ban is only for store reps…… my point was that ban on 1st instance without any chance for a corrective option is really counter productive.


  • I guess some people expected you as a store rep to have researched on competitors' prices before posting a deal of your own. Something can only be considered a bargain if it's cheaper than the prices other stores offer. There are so many deals being posted everyday, and each post that is a duplicate or spam or just blatant advertising clogs up the page and good deals get pushed further back.

    There are rules for voting negatives, so a good idea would be for you to read up on what warrants a negative vote and make sure you don't make those mistakes!

    Don't be disheartened! Do your research and hope you'll receive better response in the next post you put up. Good luck!

    • Don’t be disheartened!

      Exactly! Everyone gets negative voted at one stage or another, and it is really not a big deal. Take the suggestion, and make your site and your offers better next time.

  • The "ban" is temporary on both your account and your domain. More info can be found on the Wiki. As Andy has said that it is just a way of quality control and an automated way of stopping potentially rogue users from posting spams.

    ban on 1st instance without any chance for a corrective option is really counter productive.

    While I agree on "counter productive" because once you are temporarily banned, you are unable to edit post, it is there to prevent posters to alter the original offer to cover up the trace (and yes, it happened before which is why it was implemented). Sorry currently there is no way for me to determine whether the person is a genuine merchant making a 1st time mistake, or a spammer trying to game the system.

    Meanwhile if you want to make adjustment, please use the Report feature or post to Talk with a Moderator forum.

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