Neighbour's rangehood exhaust blowing into front door... what can I do?

Hi Ozbargainers,

I am seeking advice on this issue.
My neighbour has recently rebuilt and moved into their new home.
Their rangehood exhaust unit is placed outside, to the side of their home which exhausts fumes over the fence aimed directly at my front door which is side facing.

When the exhaust is turned on it's loud enough to hear even with all doors and windows shut, in addition to the smell of cooking fumes.
I asked my neighbour about it and all they said was the noise is well within regulations.
The smell of food doesn't worry me much however if I do cook I normally keep the doors open to air the house, but since this is the case I can't as my neighbour's cooking exhaust will be going through my home instead…
The unit is roughly 8-10 metres away from my front door at the same elevation.

Any tips or possible options would be great thanks!


  • +2

    Complain to the council?

    Sounds similar to thisā€¦

    • A ridiculous outcome IMO. Three weeks is not a substantial time.

  • +5

    huge industrial fan and blow it back their direction.

  • +4

    Some pot plants on the boundary with heaps of manure in them

    • +5

      Great idea. Make money from the pot too

      • Or smoke the pot, get the munchies, go next door and tell them to get cooking.

    • If the fan is blowing in OP's direction, he'd literally be copping his own sh*t! haha

    • HAHA Yes my home would be smelling of manure!!!

  • +6

    8-10 metres seems like it's not that close. It must be a pretty big exhaust fan if it can bother you at that distance! There's probably a decibel rating sticker on the exhaust unit. But that'll really only restricT usage at night. There's not really that much that can be done about noise complaints during the day, especially since the fan is only on for relatively short periods while cooking.

    I was thinking whether it would be worth considering asking them to install an up-turned chute/outlet so that it redirects the exhaust upwards above both houses so that the wind can disperse the smell a bit better.

    Btw, this is your neighbour you're talking about. It's in your interests to try and stay reasonable and on good terms by avoiding any threats to sue or complain to council or whatever. Once the potential relationship is gone, you lose all rights to any further negotiations - not just in terms of this exhaust fan, but anything else that may pop up in the future. So keep that in mind when you decide on the next step to take.

    • Good suggestion thank you!
      I was thinking to aim for good terms with the neighbour , and maybe suggest a fence tall enough to block the unit in the future.

  • Chuck a smoke bomb down the exhaust and give 'em a taste of their own medicine.

  • -1

    play music everyday so they can hear it right up until maximum council allowance time every night.

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