Discrete Security Camera (for Night) - Needing to Capture Rego Plates (Hoons Doing Burnouts outside Mums House)

Hi Guys,

My elderly mum isn't well and the hoons doing burnouts at 2am is affecting her dramatically - she can't get up in time to read their number plates and is sick of the constant burnouts that are happening in the early hours of the morning.

All suggestions and comments are appreciated, would love to get a discrete camera that can capture their number plates.

Corner of the house is only 15 meters max from the burnouts. (dim lit roundabout)


  • go pro with 10000mah battery pack and IR led light

  • -7

    You won't have luck with fixed lens in the dark.

    Best is to camp and wait and then run up and film them in the act up close. Maybe dress in bling and use a hat camera and send evidence to the black ops to take em down. Pesky hoonery shouldn't be tolerated in elderly neighbourhoods.

    • Thanks Re Fixed Lens, will seek alternatives

    • +1

      Silly suggestion and not funny at all

    • -1

      I found this quite funny myself. An old granny in bling

  • But wouldn't it be easier to just wait up and film them yourself? Night-vis cameras are either expensive or crap.

    • -1

      That's exactly what I have been saying. Dom and his crew are tricky and danderous however. It's all fun and games until someone looses a nut

  • Any 1080p night capable surveillance camera should be good enough to capture licence plates from 15m away…

    Anything less than 1080p and you might have some issues…

  • Have you tried contacting the Council to see if they can install speed humps on the road? Get the neighbours to sign a petition?

    (Knowing how useless most Councils are, they'll probably say no. But nothing to loose.)

  • +7

    I'd suggest if you park a car out on the road, have a quality dash cam installed that is movement activated.
    Wait till they do their burnouts and go out to the car, download the 1080p footage with licence plates and submit to the police.

    You could do some testing on normal cars going past during the night to ensure you get the footage.
    They possibly turn their lights off to avoid plate reads. Cars possibly stolen too, be prepared for that outcome.

    It depends on how motivated you are, and what your budget is. Also know that depending on the people you are dealing with, it might make it worse, or could create further trouble. If you have an altercation be sure to let them know you have video proof and if it doesn't stop it will go to the police.

    Best of luck, hooning has it's time and place (calder park friday nights), and it's not at 2am in residential streets!

    • thats a decent idea! saves getting a camera and installing it ect

  • +2

    Police will not do anything even if you have rego details. You need to capture driver image.

    Throw some knuckle plates on the road at 1:55am

  • +2

    Coming at this from a slightly different angle - have you considered looking into ways you can block the noise out to get your mother some peace in the short term while you get to work catching these hoons in the act?

    I'm not for a second suggesting that your mother should just 'deal' with this, but I think this whole process of identifying the hoons is going to take some time once you've got the right equipment and all the while your mum's still getting woken up at 2am.

  • Considering that you can barely read number plates with a high definition camera in daylight unless you are parked behind the car and stationary, you aren't going to get anything usable. Even a very expensive IR camera is not going to do anything at night, especially if it has to read through smoke. This is a very difficult thing to do, even if you can set up the shot properly, light it adequately, have a high speed shutter camera, have a tight zoom lens, and accurately know exactly where the number plate will be placed on the road so it will be in focus for a couple of frames. This is before you factor in movement and motion blur, and whether the car in question has bodgy plates (or none at all) or is stolen or used without permission. Then you still have to identify the driver. Just keep ringing the police and council and get them to do something about it.

    • Just curious when was the last time you used a modern camera?

      There are fantastic high res cameras of all types available that will easily capture a number plate and actions of the offending cars in a darkened street. Even my iphone could do it!

      Police do take calls about hoons seriously because impounding cars gives them good publicity on their social media
      and gives good stats to reel off to the public when analysed. That bit is good advice - keep on them.

      • I was a professional photographer and videographer all my career. I am very familiar with cameras, including modern ones, professional and scientific. We aren't talking about walking onto the street in the city gridlock at night and snapping the rear of a car in ample streetlight here. It will be a dimly lit suburban street, with a car travelling at speed and the camera mounted on the side of a house. Your number plate will probably comprise 24 pixels out of a 1080P frame, even then it is at an acute angle. Trust me, I've seen thousands and they are invariably useless. If you are close enough to snap a photo of a number plate with your iphone, you can use your Mk.1 eyeball to read it and write it down, then just communicate it to the police. You don't need a photo for everything. The internet meme "a photo or it didn't happen" doesn't apply to real life.

  • Join them in ripping skids with a dash cam running. You'll get close enough to the action and they won't think it's you that dobbed them in.

    • -1

      I like your thinking. Unfortunately the only skids being achieved will be ones in the restroom.

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