I come up with an idea:
- Using credit card BPay to put money into Tatts account
- Withdraw cash from Tatts account
- Put money into maximum saver account.
- Pay the credit card bill.
- Go back to step 1.
I tried with different BPAY billers,
Some would show:
The Biller you're trying to pay doesn’t accept credit payments.
Your bill can still proceed as a cash transaction, but this will mean you'll be paying interest at the cash advance rate and the cash advance fee will apply (refer to your Financial Table for more information).
But it doesn't happen on Tatts.
Does it means that I can BPay to Tatts without charging cash advance rate?!
Bank interest rate at best 3%
Say 5K float PA = $150
= 42c a day
In 50 years we'll have a new name in the world financial circles
Warren E OWEN
Just dont miss a payment!!