Assuming most of you are still teens, and not 50 year olds scrapping every penny,they can find.
What Do You Do in The School Holidays?

I take it he's playing the latest zelda game that just came out?
Been down the beach,camping, heaps of swell, water is awesome at the moment
how old are you?
High tide has been great.
As a pseudo-parent in a fatherly role/official babysitter of a single parent family, I spend my hard earned money on two beautiful children in the hopes they might be entertained. In doing so I've shed a few years off my biological age and I feel young again. We've gone: to the Spirit of Anzac centenary experience (and I've had a chance to put my history teacher training into practice), bowling (bloody expensive), to the netball courts and soccer fields and we've baked a cake. Week two starts soon and I'm out of ideas now lol. I'm trying to keep them away from the telly as much as possible and to expand their horizons a bit.
sounds great!!!
That's a great idea!
OzBargain Treasure Hunt but would like to go to the Easter show and Luna Park, also went to Wet'n'Wild Sydney a few weeks ago which is definitely worth going to. It's been busy on the farms with fencing and building new cattle yards so haven't dome much. You OP?
Try to finish homework, with only two more days left of the holidays :( Currently despairing the end…
Doesn't school resume on the Wednesday after Anzac Day?
not here in vic
ha lol hard finding a teenager on ozbargain
well you found one, albeit one that's one heck of a loser :)
Hey Hal, don't be too hard on yourself - there's plenty of other people that'll do that for you.
A few tips to a teenager.
1) set your watch 10 minutes ahead. You'll never miss a bus, class, dentist etc.
2) Try to get the easy stuff done first - then at least you've accomplished something.
3) Get the work done and out of the way, so you can enjoy the fun for the rest of the day.
4) Arrive early - and own the space.
5) My favourite - Aim for the stars, and if you just get to the moon, you'll have got a lot further than most in the room.@MITM: here's another one my dad used to always say: make your bed, because it's always nice to peel back your bedsheets and if your day was shit, at least you've got a well-made bed.
I spend my time watching anime/tv shows and gaming, Working on weekends and partying after work, and Going fishing and surfing. Basically doing all the thigs that I can't do during the school term. Then the last weekend will be spent studying non-stop in the hope I'll finish all the assignments due. This is coming from a year 12 student.
what do i do during the school holidays. enjoy the commute to work without the little sh*ts taking seats on a crowded train.
haha nice
A place a volunteer at closes over the school holidays. If it weren't for that I wouldn't even know if school was on or not. I always assumed everyone here was in their 30s.
work as normal.
normally take Wednesdays off to do stuff with kids.
Assumed wrong, Rog… but I do have a teenage son that hasn't moved from his gaming room in all the school holidays.