Restaurant refused to accept entertainment book although Easter Saturday is not on the exclusions list.

Just tried to use my entertainment book today at a Ribs and Rumps that has an entertainment book voucher under it.

They wouldn't honour it despite the exclusion date not being today. Terms and conditions for that are here

They claimed that since they were closed on Friday, the exclusion date carried over from Friday to Saturday.
Spent 10 minutes arguing with the manager that today wasn't on the exclusion day, and that if they choose to close on Friday that's THEIR choice, it shouldn't be related to today.

Anyone else have been in the same situation?


      • +1

        Time to delete your account.

      • But….. this is the no. 1 tight arse website. Why are you here ?

        Let me guess, you pay RRP for your stuff?! Shame! Shame! Shame!

      • LOL the irony.

    • +3

      Hand in your Ozbargain badge right now. Filthy casual

  • +8

    That is bad, I would be fuming. Even though I haven't been to that restaurant I feel obliged to leave them a bad review on zomato based on what you said OP. :)

    • +4

      "Yeah.. Uhh.. Never ever been here, but heard some bad shit about youse on OzBargain. Some dude named Charzy reckons don't go there."

    • +2

      Yeah that's not helpful to real reviewers and real guests that want to leave real reviews.

      • Let's be honest, sif dodgy resturants and operators like this don't leave fake reviews themselves?

        A friend of my wife started a small online business, first thing he did was ask all his friends to write a positive review for it, it's the world we live in, and if we don't balance up the good reviews with the bad you won't get fair.

        • you mean all the 100% ebay feedback reviews arent an honest representation of what actually happened?! hmmm, if someone has under 99.998 score i stay away from them!

        • Just because you get your friends and family to leave a review doesn't make it dodgy.
          If you're a good person to deal with, those closest to you will know best.

          But I know what you mean, it's quite obvious tho when you go online and see many 5 star reviews for some places with no actual comments on the product, service, etc.. all of which are from similar dates and several of the reviews were left by people with the same last name.

        • @JV159:

          If you read my comment carefully u will see i called this resturant dodgy for their entertainment book treatment. I didn't call other businesses that leave themselves good fake reviews dodgy.

        • @cloudy:

          Relax mate, I'm not putting a gun to your head.
          My comment was in response to when you said "sif dodgy resturants and operators like this don't leave fake reviews themselves"

          To which I agree, some business owners and their friends leave fake reviews to boost their online rep, nothing particularly wrong with doing it but sometimes they make it obvious and if for me it's a bit of a turn off when it's easy to spot.

    • +2

      That's hardly fair to the restaurant. You should at least go there for a meal!

      And pay by using an entertainment voucher ……………..

      • Anf was it fair to OP?

  • +3

    If using the entertainment book I generally try to have close to the right cash in case of problems like this.

    Have only had an issue once where owner tried to claim discount only valid on food, not drinks. It was with great satisfaction to just leave exact cash as was correct per rules, and say if you don't like it call the cops. Needless to say that restaurant closed its doors for good 6 months later.

    • +1

      Don't you just like karma? Kudos to you! This is what happens to businesses who don't know how to keep customer satisfaction high.

    • Nice arse covering manouvre with the exact cash. I'm a bit cynical with businesses and would do the same thing. It's the one time when you get caught out though because you were in a hurry or distracted etc and then they try to screw you over.

    • lmfao… quite the collection you have there… wouldn't want to get JUMP:DDDDDDDD would ya lol

  • +2

    Send in the bikies.

  • +13

    You guys are made of sterner stuff than me. I would never use something like these vouchers at a restaurant because instead of having fun, I'd spend the evening preparing for the upcoming confrontation. But for those of you that do - well done for demanding they give the discounts they signed up for.

    • +4

      Im with you, not worth the effort

    • +2

      The chance of something like this happening is pretty rare, business' are usually pretty good. I've had the book for 3 years now and never had an issue.

    • I've had the book for around 10 years now and have never had an issue except at one place a few years ago.
      It was at a cafe in Mornington Peninsula on a public holiday (can't remember which one) which was not listed in the Entertainment Book, yet they still wouldn't accept the voucher. Thankfully the place was one where you place an order and pay on they spot, so I was able to cancel the order and walk out.

      These days, on public holidays I play it safe and ask ahead (even phone ahead sometimes so they won't know who I am when I rock up), to avoid the possible confrontation in the end.

      This year I just rocked up to TGIF in Melbourne CBD on Saturday and before they took us in, I asked the waitress if they accepted Entertainment Vouchers on that day. She said yes. Sure, it foreshadowed that I would be using a voucher later on, but at least I knew there would be no nasty surprises.

      • Plans his/her holiday meals around the discount vouchers he/she has.
        A true ozbargainer.

        I wish I had your commitment.

    • I would never use something like these vouchers at a restaurant because instead of having fun, I'd spend the evening preparing for the upcoming confrontation.

      I'm not sure I follow you. Are you implying that bargaining isn't fun!? O_O

  • +2

    I either got an email or in app message reminding users it's a business discretion on acceptance of the Easter period ….. not just the public holidays.

  • What about Easter Monday? Is anyone having problems using it today?

    I know the T&C states Easter Sunday but in my opinion Monday is the official pulblic holiday given in lieu of the weekend (sunday) public holy day.

    • Just used two vouchers at the same place (soul origin) no problems this morning.

      • Good to know - Thanks!

        • +2

          Keep in mind though we asked before purchasing. Doesn't hurt to be overly cautious I guess.

    • -2

      Victoria here - we had a public holiday in Sunday as well for some reason. Dunno why, other than make it more expensive to run a business for for days straight… Good job Dan Andrews, not!

    • +1

      All 4 days are classed as public holidays as far as staff penalties are concerned, I paid 10% surcharge yesterday but am happy to as staff need to be paid.

  • +6

    Dont these idiotic 'managers' know that times have changed and these small matters are not worth the potential backlash over social media? You would think they will start to catch on when stories after stories come out on the news about these assholes who think they can get away with providing subpar service…you will get so much more goodwill by just taking a small 'loss' if you can call it a loss. Customer-centric business is a winning business

  • Ribs & Rumps aka Chimps & Chumps , only applies to douches like this manager and staff who try to dishonour things like these.

  • +2

    Terrace Of maleny - We were there yesterday to try the place out from brizzy. They refused the entertainment book voucher saying they wouldn't honor it today . There is no such conditions laid out in the book itself . They also had the 15% surcharge on top of that for public holiday . The food was great but came at a big price and very very annoyed and felt getting duped.

  • +3

    I've dobbed restaurants in to EB before when I was refused. They offer gift vouchers… but on all occasions I have fought for cash and had the EFT for the amount I would have got off into my bank account. Beware though EB are slack and might need a few nudes.

    • +6

      Beware though EB are slack and might need a few nudes.

      A few d!ck shots to persuade them? 😂😂

      • Lol

  • +1

    Shows how easy it is to do so much more damage to your brand than its worth.

    Wonder how many future customers (ozbargainers) R&R have lost because of this.

    • +7

      We have an infiltrator!

    • +7

      Nothing to do with affording anything mate. Just good money use. I've used it at top restaurants and had $50 taken off. Still paid $300+ For 2 but $50 in my pocket means an extra lunch out with the missus.

      We have family members who have combined incomes of $500k+ and yet use entertainment books for every city they travel to.

      Most of my wealthy clients, funnily enough are the most frugal people out there. One of my clients is a surgeon with $1.2m income, drives around in a Mazda6. Prefers to spend it on his family and holidays (his wife drives a flash $250k merc though)

      • This. I agree that a pattern in many people's financial success is being frugal to some extent. Look at the IKEA owner for example. Drives a bomb despite being a multi millionaire.

      • Does his wife drink the buy one get one free coffee from McCafe inside that expensive Merc? Or take up the discounts from the local Midas service center with the voucher in the book?

        Honestly with that sort of cash in my pocket I wouldn't be stuffing around with the entertainment book/app.
        Don't get me wrong, the app and the book comes in handy for me, but it hasn't gotten me a good deal on anything flashy or a great place to eat that was anything special or even worth the drive so far yet.

        • I love watching these types of people die rich but living their whole life like a pauper. They might even get lucky post-mortem and one of their spoilt entitled children will inherit all the wealth and blow it on hookers, gambling and drugs. Ooops.

    • They are the ones who chose to be in the book. It brings business to them, it's advertising. That's why they did it.

      Don't want to honour vouchers? Don't be in the book, simple.

    • +3

      Not for entertainment book. You must mention it only before you ask for the bill. Groupons etc yes you must mention at booking

        • +3


          There are several days where you can't use the Entertainment Book voucher. Easter Saturday wasn't on the exclusion list, it's that simple.

  • Just used an entertainment book voucher at Griddle, Rouse Hill with no issues.

  • This is why I use a credit card everywhere.

    Sure I'll pay what I don't agree with now, but rest assured… I'll be putting in a credit dispute with my bank and I will get my money back and not let up and you'll get charged for the credit dispute investigation.

    • +3

      Saying what you'll do is one thing, whether it's successful is another. Have you actually tried it before?

      • +1

        Yes I have. CBA Diamond rewards. Partner got given the wrong dish. Management wouldn't rectify the issue. Asked for a spicy red soup, got a clear broth.

        Took photos of the menu with pictures, the dishes I got and my receipt with the names on the dishes on it - and made reference to the discussions I had with the business owner and how they wouldn't yield.

        It was a pay first establishment, otherwise I wouldn't have paid. Didn't even eat it.

        It was also real easy to do. 5 minute phone call. Mileage may very depending on your status with the bank

        • Yours is a case of item not as described/not getting what you paid for. A bit different to applying vouchers. Have you tried claiming for a more similar situation to ops?

          Bank: what's the reason for dispute?
          Consumer: they wouldn't let me use my voucher!

        • @Ughhh:

          Facts don't have to be exactly the same. The OP had a dispute where he was overcharged for his meal. It is a dispute over cost. Refusal to apply a voucher that was valid and to which the OP attempted to use fulfills the evidentiary burden of a bonafide credit dispute.

          Bank: what's the reason for the dispute?
          Consumer: I was overcharged for my meal - here are the pertinent details…

          People on here are insufferable. Trying to be so black letter when it comes to whether someone can do it or not. Arguing the situation variables have to exactly line up - I could say I went to the exact same ribs and rumps and produced the same coupon and received a bill for the same amount as the OP and people would argue that 'nope, you see, he got the pork ribs, and you got the lamb ribs' so yeah have you got an example where it's the same as the OP and you got a credit card refund?' That's the insufferability of ozbargain.

          I guarantee if I was the OP and I paid on credit card I'd be getting that money and the business can eat the investigation cost for being a bunch of pricks.

        • @jenkemjunkie:

          Bit of an exaggeration there with pork ribs there. Not arguing whether you can complain/dispute or not, anyone can complain and dispute anything. It's rather the chance of success of this particular situation regarding merchant not honouring a voucher prior to payment. It's not a situation where OP went home, only to realise he was overcharged $50 to what he though he was paying at the time of payment. You can't guarantee anything unless the main/major variables eg. refusing voucher prior to payment (ordering pork ribs instead of lamb ribs is a very very minor variable) is fairly similar. The only guarantee that matters is the banks really.

        • @Ughhh:

          You're right. The chance of success is dependant on the individual, their standing with the bank and how good they are at stating their claim…my comment was that situations like these is the reason I use a credit card because at least you have some recourse over cash or direct debit. Then it turns into a debate of particulars.

          If I was the OP, I wouldn't have paid. Confrontation doesn't bother me, especially when it comes to people trying to rip me off. Even if I did pay, after the fact, I'd be successful in a credit dispute. OP simply paid under duress to avoid a scene, just because he paid - that does not automatically constitute acceptance.

    • Slightly unrelated but relates to your point. A while back we signed up for the shop small Amex deal. Went to dinner at one of their listed restaurants, and when it came to pay they stated that they don't accept Amex….

      Frustratingly we just paid with VISA, contacted Amex the next day (showed them the credit card transaction), and they credited us back ASAP. Don't know if the business paid up but Amex came through!

    • Your credit card company would seriously accept that dispute?

    • -5

      Isn't that a bit gutless, you can't look someone in the eye and make your case?

      • +7


        I did bring up my issue with the business owner who was not up for a discussion, hence giving me grounds to proceed with a bona fide credit dispute.

        maybe I didn't look him in the eye hard enough…

    • +4

      Not sure why exactly you're having a sook?

      If you have read OP's post or other comments, you would realise that OP was actually entitled to use the Entertainment Book voucher as per the rules. There are blackout dates (eg. Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Valentine's day, Mother's day and Father's day) but they do not necessarily coincide with public holidays (eg. Easter Saturday, Easter Monday).

      • -6

        Thumbs down all you want. At least I know better than to go to Ribs and Rumps anyway.

        • You sound like you are in denial.

        • @ronnknee: Have been there twice, never again!

  • +3

    Ribs and rumps is notorious for not accepting the vouchers. Had it happen to me once for a party of 15, the bill was like $800plus. They refused to accept 2 cards even though the rules stipulated you can use multiple. I showed them the rules and they just sucked it up not very willingly.

    When the adjusted bill came, I rechecked it and they added a few extra main meals and sides onto my bill. When I pointed it out, it was obvious they did it deliberately and no apologies given.

    I don't know why they joined the entertainment book if they are not going to honour it.

    Be sure to check your bill after discount. And you should report it to the entertainment book so these guys get black listed.

  • -2

    exactly why i never use them, not only do you

    1. get shafted in the end by some jerk.
    2. have your night ruined by an argument you ultimately lose
    3. have to pay them the full amount
    4. are out of pocked for the cursed useless book in the first place.

    nope, forget about it. complain all you like but no use crying over spilt milk.

    sure, 99% of them might honor it, but theres that 1% that hangs over your head that this time might be the time, its just not worth it when your trying to enjoy a good night out, lord forbid you take a date too!

    • +2

      I'd say if you take a date and he/she rooted for you when shit hits the fan, they're a keeper.

      • i doubt thats ever gona happen after you pull out your expired coupons……..

        i wouldnt want a keeper liek that in any event!

        • OP's Entertainment Book coupon wasn't expired. What are you talking about?

        • Invalid then. Happy?

  • Either 2 or 3 years ago, I went to the Bridge Hotel (Melbourne) for lunch on a Thursday before good Friday.

    Asked for a meal on their lunch special menu which was available Monday - Thursday. Got told that the Thursday before a public holiday counts as a Friday even though there was no mention of it anywhere on their website.

    • +4

      That's when you walk out and go next door.

  • +4

    If you're certain you're right, couldn't you simply refuse to pay? What would happen then? He would call the cops?
    I don't see it as any different to someone over charging you. You simply don't pay.

  • +8

    People don't seem to understand that the whole idea of a restaurant participating in an Entertainment book is a form of advertising.

    They hope to attract diners who would normally be off their radar, and if the experience is good, those diners will come back after using their one coupon.

    It's not a dodgy rip-off on behalf of the Entertainment book or the diners, the restaurants are actively trying to widen their customer base and a few 25% off meals are a good way to do that.

    • +2

      Finally somebody gets it.

    • +1

      I think everyone understands that.
      It just doesn't seem to work very well, that's all.

    • I hope Entertainment Book follows up the complaints and have a rule like three strikes you are out system to delist the merchants. Those stingy and doggy businesses are destroying the good faith created by the honest merchants.

      Plus, now I know I would call the restaurant and ask if I can user the vouchers on public holidays to avoid disappointment and stress.

  • Sooo OP - Have you had anything back from Entertainment book folks?

    • +5

      Yeah. They're investigating it with the marketing manager for Ribs and Rumps. Gentleman I spoke to was empathetic, and mentioned how Ribs and Rumps doesn't have a head office, which surprisingly makes me think that these 'internal rules' were probably purely for lining the manager's pocket.

  • Had a similar problem a few years ago in Brisbane when I tried to use it at a restaurant on the G20 public holiday.

    Made a complaint to Entertainment Book. They said they called the restaurant and the manager still refused to honour the discount, so it sounds like they're not willing to enforce the rules. Offered me a $50 voucher to a restaurant instead.

  • +1

    I've never had an issue with the Entertainment Book.
    The worst thing I get is a frown or "Robert, another voucher!" while paying, but I enjoy this aspect of it anyway.
    The vouchers have never been rejected, and I would never pay the full price.
    I'd just go with "Give me the discounted code, or I'm walking out and you can call the police if you want to". Then give them about 2 minutes to correct the bill before leaving.

  • Bit of an update. I received a call from ribs and rumps a few days ago about what happened. They acknowledged that the North Ryde restaurant was incorrect, and that the entertainment book was indeed valid on the Saturday.
    Supposedly I'll be receiving a digital voucher to make up for it, but have to receive it (I'd imagine email would be relatively quick?).

    • do you really wanna go back there & pay full price?

      • There are other branches, so I'll give them a go. I won't be going back to the North Ryde one any time soon (unless management changes I guess). The voucher (if received) should cover the cost of a meal I'll assume ( if used with the entertainment book haha )?

  • Ribs and Rumps has a bad reputation.

    Seriously, forget those guys.

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