Looks like nintendo listened to all the get a retro pie and RRP is not a bargain posts and decided to kill the console.
Good one guys.…
Looks like nintendo listened to all the get a retro pie and RRP is not a bargain posts and decided to kill the console.
Good one guys.
they have the market with the switch game releases coming up, everyone loves mario and those who remember Zelda also find good value in the switch release
the switch to me is a "tie over" device until project scorpio
Yeah but they prolly cost them a few bucks to make, gets people back into Nintendo and loving their products
But nope they make low numbers and cancel production. Awesome
Bit of a dick move by Nintendo but I guess its smart tbh, pay for a cheap emulator to be built, mark it up
release a small number, and have people profit from it
I listed mine for the purchase price to cover my costs + ebay fees
the cash I made (also at the time no seller fee promotion) meant i could invest in the switch at a cheap price
was happy with the results
@shawncro 222:
Yeah but after wii u which was a bit meh, they should have spammed the market with it, get people talking about nintendo, free marketing, then people might then be more likely to buy a switch which is a nice product.
I would have liked to get one, but can't be asked searching around the place for it, or buy it on ebay
They announced no more stock will goto Australia and now it has been discontinued. So I wouldn't count on it.
I listed it for under retail on ebay in an auction and made 4x the price by people bidding, so its clearly a high demand item,
to me it was a dreadful unit with really bad emulation but whatever floats peoples boats
Happy with the result and would of been happy just making my money back, but its clear people are mental about getting the last remaining ones of these
I didnt find the unit that bad. The amazing controllers made up for the average emulation.
I agree completely and with the homebrew / hack community you can "install" more games
I would never buy a Switch or a Wii U, but I'd definitely buy one of these. Nintendo should increase production, and increase the price. Basic supply and demand.
Meh, switch is a great device
I have found everyone jealous of it, those who can't afford it
Never had one issue with mine since new
Great purchase
the little emulator, horrible jerky scrolling, ruined the nostalgic feeling big time for me
I don't doubt it's cool, however to really make money I'd assume a gaming console needs to move from gamers into mainstream. This is what made Wii the product it is/was. It was everywhere.
Even still, apart from Mario Kart all my Wii stuff have become dust collectors. Nintendo need to realise that people learn from their costly mistakes and won't fall for it again. How much money can the average punter throw at gaming? This is possibly why this old school console has proven to be popular. It's retro cool, and relatively cheap.
I agree completely, but this isn't the same feeling as a real SNES or NES console, it feels cheap, emulated
the controllers are great though, these do feel like the real thing, Nintendo had a price point to target, I guess they cut corners
The WII and WII-U are family devices, unfortunately today kids play shooters, call of duty, halo 5, overwatch etc and have no interest in the old school gaming world, this is the sad reality of today
We now have 4k gaming, 4k upscaling, the WII and WII- U aren't going to compete with this at all and lost market share big time, the switch to me feels refreshed and if they can keep up the quality games to it, it will prove to be a sucessful device, its a device I can take with me on a plane, overseas / keep me entertained on a bus or train etc, you can't get that from even a high end pc / game console and this is the biggest win for me, awesome performance from nvidia, literally in my hands, its a big win for nintendo, hopefully the steam doesn't run out and it becomes the next sony psp, proven more by the fact they had the best sales in march 2017 of any company, even surpassing sony, microsoft, so that tells you they've done something right with the Switch
@shawncro 222: That's weird. Everywhere I read on the net they said that the emulation was one of the best there is??
Switch possibly is the best Nintendo console i have played for years. Zelda is one of the best games i have played in years!! 100% back the switch
Neg away, obviously jealous
its a DREADFUL emulation device
dog turd on my 4k HDMI set
NES Classic was launched in the holiday period last year. Nice to make some money from die-hards while they wait for the Switch to be released. 1.5 million were sold, according to Nintendo. Cha-ching.
It's important for Nintendo not to create competing floor space or confusion within the Switch's launch & early days. We are still in the early days of the Switch, so if I were running the company I'd be doing the exact same thing Nintendo is doing here: limiting supply at retail in order to not create customer confusion. After all, they are selling the Wii U and the 2DS and the 3DS models too. I think it's logical that they have made the Wii U far less visible months before the Switch's release too (and haven't discounted it, in typical Nintendo fashion). The Switch's launch price doesn't shock as much, relatively-speaking.
Wii U sold incredibly poorly: about 13.5 million units since launch. Every Nintendo employee from the top-down would be (and should be) more concerned with communicating a clear message about the Switch with minimal distraction and confusion at retail. At some point they will probably re-introduce this model for all the retro-heads. Nintendo has so much Nostalgia money they can mop up. They know it.
And here I was, smugly waiting it out. Wasn't the only one, judging by some of the comments in the deals…
Oh well. Would have liked a NES Classic, but no way I'm paying inflated eBay prices.
Throughout April, [Nintendo of America] territories will receive the last shipments of Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition systems for this year.
Sounds like it might make a return, perhaps at Christmas time/early next year.
Hurray for snes mini announcement
I've been saying in most of the reposts that the thing is insanely good value and everyone should get one when they can. Now I would not surprised if it hits $400 by Christmas. This is a collectors item in the making right and here.
why when retropie does it better and cheaper
the only thing going for it was the controllers
Don't you have any concept of "collectors item"? I can emulate games on my pc, wii, etc, etc if I want.
nintendo artificial scarcity. they did this to hype the snes mini.
Exactly. It might not look like it, but it's just marketing.
For the last 6 months people have not shut up about the NES mini… literally. Around Christmas time, almost all major gaming news outlets had an article on the NES mini every week, sometimes more - reporting on stock availability, pricing, supply etc.
I mean, even look at us at OzBargain, every time stock is available at retail price, it get's upvoted to the front page.
If there was plenty of supply to begin with, discussion and hype would have died off within the first month of it being announced. But because supply has been limited, everyone all of the sudden wants one, and Nintendo got their name plastered all over the internet for 6 months.
Yep. I figured when I first heard about the NES mini it was an awesome marketing move to get Nintendo's name back into people's heads with the Switch on it's way.
I am so glad i bought 5 of these… might stick a couple on ebay soon :)
Cha ching.
Yeah you shouldn't be proud of that. You're part of the problem.
How? I anticipated they would be in short supply, so i pre-ordered them months before release (with no intention to sell them, but to collect) but now that Nintendo have decided to discontinue them.. i may as well cash in.
Yeah okay, you bought 5 for 'collecting' lol. You're a console scalper, simple as that.
Was worth buying the NES Classic just to take up the beach and get the kids to play Donkey Kong and Balloon Fight for a cheap laugh.…
I ordered one through EB games on a deal listed here a few months and had it mailed out but haven't even opened the package.
What do you guys think the about values from here on as currently about $300 on ebay
Well the price is certainly not going to go down.
However I'd be wary of them re-releasing the NES Classic (or an updated version) at Christmas time, so if you're planning to sell perhaps do it before then.
its a strategy to push people into virtual console on switch
Agreed. That's the reason I didn't get one, want the SNES mini.
Lol that might be pushing it.
Does that mean my 2nd hand one is worth about 2 grand?
keep them unopened and wouldn't surprise me getting 2k+ in a few years if they don't make anymore
Nintendo: I don't like money, let's stop making money. Let's make more Wii U's and Switches.