Seeing that during Fridays during Lent and Good Friday, Christians are obliged to abstain from Red Meat. Looking at the USA, McDonald’s in the USA regularly does cheap deals for Filet O Fish on Fridays during Lent, yet McDonald's Australia appears to ignore giving Christians in Australia any deals on Filet O Fish? Oh well a trip to my Fish and Chip shop is in order.
Why Doesn't McDonald's Do Filet O Fish Deals for Lent and Good Friday Like They Do in The USA?

Fuarkkk I'd bash a HSP today.
I think Straya as a demographic follows religious practice much less than the USA.
Thank dog!
"Christians are obliged to abstain from Red Meat"
It's much more of a Catholic thing than Protestant, Anglican, or myriad other flavours of Christianity.
Woolworths and Coles were selling very nice pieces of salmon at attractive prices all week. Skip the fast food and make yourself a very nice healthy dinner instead.
I'd like to see the scriptural authority for either Lent or Fish on Fridays…
I'd like to see your justification for the invasion of Iraq, Tony.
Psst. God doesn't exist.
Eat whatever the hell you like. There isn't some omnipresent, powerful, vengeful dude up in the clouds who is waiting for you to (profanity) up, so they can punish you for the rest of eternity.
Mind BLOWN! Converting to atheism right now!
Why be all sarcastic and snarky when the absurdity of these things are pointed out? Religion makes the world a much worse place and the more you challenge it the better.
I'll remind all the Russian and Chinese folks who suffered under an atheistic regime (Marxism) for decades. 'Religion' isn't the problem, people are the problem and when it comes to selfish self indulgence then any excuse will do.
Happy Easter.
Religious ideology is the problem. How many wars have been waged in the name of aetheism?
@Heracles26: Violence is the problem. It is no less sanctioned by secular religions / ideologies (nationalism, imperialism, etc.).
@Heracles26: ROFL
So how many wars were fought in the name of love. So Hate is the enemy
Behind all wars is an ideology Religious Political etc
From that Bastion of religious ideology - Huffington Post 😄
In fact, religious elements played no role at all in 14 (40%) of the 35 armed conflicts in the research, and only five (14%) had religious elements as their main cause, the report showed. All of the wars had multiple causes, and the much more common motivation was opposition to a government, or to the economic, ideological, political or social systems of a state, which was named as a main factor in nearly two thirds of the cases studied.…
What part of recent Russian and Chinese (and Vietnamese)history don't you know about?
You are correct about 'ideology' being the problem of course, I just don't limit my judgements to exclude other people who believe the same things as me. Just makes me sound a bit biased otherwise.
(p.s. Pretty sure WWI and WW2 weren't fought over religion either?) )
There's a major difference between "wars that have been waged in the name of atheism" and "wars that have not have religious elements or roles".
@thevofa: Violence is the outcome; the problem is, generally, ideology that identifies that the solution to someones "problems" is to find a scape goat "other" they can discriminate against or attack. It doesn't need to be religious based but, throughout history, religion has been a pretty good basis for this given they are based on "faith" i.e. a lack of rationality. Stalin, Hitler and Mao were not religious based, but their rise to power co-incided with the availability of mass weapons of destruction. Taking into account the weaponry available in particular periods, religion would've been a raison d'etre for killing people in many more wars. Also, the only country that has dropped nuclear bombs in anger is identified by many of its politicians as a "Christian" country. Personally, I'm agnostic - I'm not arrogant enough to say there isn't a God because I don't know everything - however, if there is Supreme being I don't think they are doing a particularly good job of it given the enormous suffering in the world with some of it being done in his name. ISIS being a good example, the Christian right in America being another lot. I don't know one mainstream religion that advocates the equality of women and men and, our government, gives religions the right to exempt themselves from a number of anti discrimination laws whilst on a tax advantaged basis. (I want to get "in" on this racket). You can believe what you like as long as it doesn't impact on others; but a lot of religions don't believe in that - especially if the fundamentalists get involved.
@try2bhelpful: Again you are generalising, there are plenty of people trying to force their will on everyone else these days who don't seem to be motivated by 'religion' from a plethora of lefties pushing their particular cart to fascist gay-marriage advocates trying to silence any debate through threats of violence and/or litigation. SO while you might have a legitimate point you are making the mistake of being selective in your observations.
@EightImmortals: Your words are very emotive and you probably need to step back and understand that people looking for equality are not trying to silence people through threats of violence; just asking they be given the same rights as other people. Can you please provide instances where people looking for marriage equality have threatened violence, as it appears the people against equality are the ones doing the threatening. The religious right are the ones bombing abortion clinics and ISIS are the ones that have a "protocol" for sex slaves. If you don't believe in gay marriage, then don't marry a gay person - it is very simple. The most important thing is people are in a relationship with people who love and respect them. From your words I don't think you actually understand either of those things.
@hcca: Google "is atheism an ideology" and the discussion gets even more complex. If its not then starting wars based on this is like saying how many wars are started in the name of animality vs humanity.
And I didnt say that part of the post was incorrect, I was questioning that religious ideology is the problem with the creation of wars.
A truer saying is more likely that more people have been killed in the name of god, than saved in the name of god
@try2bhelpful: Dinner time, but two recent instances come to mind, the first was the threatening of a book publisher to not publish a book by a doctor against SSM and another was when a few traditional marriage groups wanted to get together for a conference but threats of violence were made against the hotel chain and it's staff so that they cancelled the event. There have been a few others but I don't recall right at the moment. (And that's not counting the legal harassment and intimidation being used) SSM is NOT about equality and a small amount of research into what has happened in places where they have legalised it already should be enough to convince any reasonable person. And don't patronise me about what I do or do not understand, I've been at this for decades. :)
But that's it for me, I'm not interested in a pointless argument here, was just making a point that 'religion' may be an excuse, it not the sole cause of everyone's problems and to suggest otherwise simply shows a profound ignorance both of human nature and the history of the world.
All the best. :)
The same reason why theres no 2L cups…
Maybe it's not really fish they are serving??
Amazing, a post about Maccas, ends up with a tirade about religion. People will go off on tangents.
As for me, well I am 67 and for most of those years (except when I was a baby of course) I have always eaten red meat on Good Friday. I only missed once, and that was when I was invited to dinner with a catholic family, and I had to eat fish.
Nothing has happened to me, so I figure God is ok with it.
Is Filet o Fish a big seller here? I don't know anyone who eats it. Actually I don't know many people who eat Maccas at all. I gave up Maccas because I don't like cold food, that is supposed to be hot.
Finally, I think personally that Easter is more a commercial tradition here than a religious one. We don't have Easter Eggs anymore, we have Chocolate Eggs from February through to the day gazetted as Easter Monday.
Well done making it to 67 John, I think eating at Maccas would be worse for your health than upsetting the man upstairs.
The post was about why doesn't Maccas have the special on Filet O Fish; which is directly related to a religious edict so maybe not so far off topic - but we don't want to go around that loop again. Interestingly enough I think my mothers concession to my father's catholocism was we had fish and chips on Fridays; so not all bad. I do like where people have said CE stands for Christmas and Easter as that is when they go to church - Eddie Izzard does a great routine on CE as a cake or death religion; worth lookin up on You Tube. Personally I think "that Scottish Restaurant" should go down in history like "that Scottish play" something you don't mention the name of. Happy holidays people.
im getting a large HSP from metro one in ashfeild.