Buying Kids Clothes as an Adult

Hey guys, so just had an idea pop up. I'm an adult but smallish build (165cm/60kg) and sometimes have trouble when shopping for clothes as the small is sometimes too large.
Was looking at a north face jacket in particular. Anyway got home and realised the the kids L is like 1 size smaller than adult small and also alot cheaper. Which got me thinking. Are kids clothes in similar dimensions any different? I looked a few up and alot of kids clothes in XL is pretty much the same as an adult small so i could save alot of money buying kids stuff. Anyone ever do this?



  • Not personally, but I know my wife has and I don't see what the problem would be. If it fits, why not?

    I am short too, so have always wanted to see if I could get away with buying 3/4 pants and wear them as normal pants… Would save me paying to get all my pants shortened!

    • +1

      Yeah my problem is shirts/jackets. They fit around my chest fine but they go down too much.

      • It would work for certain things and not others. For casual wear, yeah probably. For winter gear, definitely. For swimming togs and underwear, definitely not - kids aren't developed enough to need extra fabric near the front. For business shirts and pants, getting them tailored in an Asian country worked out cheaper for me than getting stuff off the shelf and getting them altered. I have a problem where I'll fit into a mens' medium for the chest and shoulders but needing a small for the length of the arms and the tail - even smalls go a little too long sometimes. When I had lesser love handles I could fit into kids L sizes for winter jackets, not anymore now though. It's amazing how large kids winter gear goes for so much cheaper than small adults, even though they're essentially the same thing!

  • +1

    Yes. If it fits and you like the style go for it. Marketing for kids or the opposite gender is just marketing, there is no reason you cannot wear it.

  • Shop at UniQlo, problem solved :)

  • I know a 45 year old woman who buys kid's sized shoes. Her feet just happen to be really small so they fit.

  • Struggling to get an adult muscle tank with not so big holes for the arms so got a kids size 16. No I don't go to the gym.

  • I frequently try on kids clothes and shoes at various shops (Kmart/target/h&m. Kid specific shops may look at me funny when I try on, larger shops don't even notice).

    I have no issue buying and wearing these products. A lot of the time they fit better and are cheaper.

    The only issue with casual clothing is kids products often are more "childish" with themes and patterns and colours. But for a lot of basics and even for neat casual clothes, they're a great option for me.

  • My problem is not as dramatic, but I'm very slim too. If you're ever in HKG, they have some really great shops for adults, and everything is in "Asian" sizes, so it should fit.

  • +1

    Looking at ralph lauren button up shirts. $60 for Kids size ones, adult ones are like double that and XL seems to be my fit. I'm hoping the cut is the same if so i'll be saving alot of money.

  • An old colleague of mine (150cm and ~45kg) used to buy kids clothes. The hardest part was buying something that wasn't obviously for kids… Like disney princesses, etc.

  • Im lucky enough to fit into kids size shoes… Asics for adults $160 for kids $ alot of my shoes from the kids section.

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