G'day All
Ok, I'm an illiterate when come to computers, and refuse to learn any computer language. (Hey I already speak five languages…)
My oldish Dell PC has been slow in waking-up. I have followed the Dell's video to unplug everything and down to basic, and it then works better.
However, whenever it went to sleep, I have great difficulty in waking it up.
Had tried pressing space bar, return key, moving the mouse, turn on/off monitor, nothing works.
So I had to hard-press the tower, wait 1 minute, and turn on again, and it would start from where I stopped. No reboot.
Wonder whether it's got to do with Windows 10 which I've done many months back?
Didnt have any new programme installed, most are just updates…..
This is frustrating really, hope someone can shed some light before I rush out to buy a new PC.
I already have McBook, iPad, Laptop but still prefer PC for certain things….
I have a i7 950 that does the same thing also running win10. Shits me to tears.
Chews 200watts in idle so I don't want to leave it run all day, but its 50/50 if it will wake up.