This was posted 7 years 10 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 Pro 1TB Console + Horizon Zero Dawn $499 @ Big W from 13/4 - 26/4 in Store


PS4 1TB Pro console + Horizon Zero Dawn for $499 (in store only)

Other console offers available in store:

PS4 500GB console + Dualshock 4 + Mafia 3 for $349 (also available online)
PS4 1TB Console + Dualshock 4 + Horizon Zero Dawn for $399 (also available online)
Available online here

Below offers run 14/4 - 17/4

Xbox One S 500GB console + Ghost Recon: Wildlands for $299 (Xbox One S 500GB Minecraft console can be used in this offer)(In store only)

Xbox One S 500GB console + Forza Horizon 3 (download token) + Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare for $299 (online only)

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +2

    $50 extra you can get 4 game: horizon, ghost recon, watch dog 2 and cod at target

    • You can use WW gift cards to bring this down to $464.

      • Thought entertainment book I imagine 5% off … How did you get to the $464 mark?

        $499-5% is $474.05

        • There is are multiple users on OzB that sell them at 7% off.

    • $60 extra actually….can anyone that's played wildlands, watch dogs 2 and cod tell me if it's worth the extra $60?

      • 100% on Watch Dogs 2, and wild Lands, id pay the extra $60 for those 2, Unreal games, cant comment on COD

      • +1

        Watchdog 2 n ghost recon is worth getting. I stopped playing COD since Black Ops 3.

      • CoD: Infinite Warfare is pretty damn sweet if you're into playing single player campaigns — one of the best CoD games IMO. Multiplayer is meh though, so don't get it if you're into MP.

        • I wish I had the same opinion as you. I'm a campaign person too but felt ripped off a bit with this one as seemed so disjointed. Way too much fighting in space, but will admit it did have some pretty cool sections, just not bought together well enough.

        • @Zorn:
          Yeah it seems a lot of people didn't like the space setting. I'm a big space fan so I really appreciated it. Definitely a bold move for the franchise but a lot of the fanbase didn't seem to like it.

      • Thanks for the replies guys you have just swayed me over to the target bundle.

      • Watch Dogs 2 is great. CoD is CoD, some like it, many (like me) think it's repetitive garbage. Wildlands is pretty bad, though with a dedicated squad of four it becomes more challenging and fun.

    • How much can I get if I traded in ghost reckon, watxh dog and Call of duty? Planning to keep only zero dawn

      • Around $450 I believe

        • I mean just the 3 games

        • @djmm: yeah man. They won't give you rrp for that. Only half price

        • @ZombieLover:

          Well I am not really interested in the 3 other games from the Target's bundle (Watch Dog, Ghost Recon, COD). Would I be better off just getting this Big W bundle at cheaper price or get Target bundle and trade in those 3 games?

        • @djmm:
          Let trade it with other game or give me watchdog for 20 bux hehe. Otherwise Target has batter deal

      • I bought the $559 deal from EB 2 weekends ago because I was trading in consoles (upgrading to the Pro), and they offered $22 trade back on Wildlands (I already have it). I sold it to a work mate for $40. JB were selling for $49 at the time.

        • What level eb card do you have?

  • Is this bound to a specific state?
    Can't see it in any catalogs online.

    • Available in all states where they stoock

  • This looks good.

  • Man if it's just for gaming PS4 Pro is insane value. I used SteamLink because I need more than just gaming but otherwise unbeatable!

  • +1

    One thing to be conscious off if in no hurry; is that the new Xbox Lobster? Is coming at the end of the year. Depending on how it's priced, there could be permanent price drops by Sony and even stronger bundle deals leading up to it.

    Otherwise, go for it. Best gaming I've had for years with my PS4 (now upgraded to pro). And don't forget the VR hat. Had it since launch, still use it almost daily, amazeballs.

    • +6

      +1 for xbox lobster lol

    • What games do you play on your VR constantly? I was looking at the games the other day but couldn't really see anything that would keep my interest long term?

      • +2

        RE7, is good for VR, also VR Worlds, and Playroom VR, Also Driveclub VR keeps me going back to VR!

    • There's always something better coming, but why not just enjoy life right now?

      Plus this is a really good deal for those that have been waiting for a Pro, I'm seriously considering upgrading the PS4 Slim I purchase at the end of last year.

      • +1

        Cause to some the wait might be worth it considering the new xbox "lobster"…lol Example, I'm after a pro but right now but still really pleased with my release day PS4…So, I can wait a bit longer. But for someone who really wants the console now I'd just go for it.

    • +1

      As a scorpion I take offense to this.

      • Xbox Yabby?

      • Or did you mean Scorpio? Not to sure a scorpion knows how to use a keyboard? ;)

  • Just a week after I updated my release PS4 to 2tb hdd :|

  • +1

    PS4 PRO 1TB BLK + PS4 Horizon Zero Dawn for $499 Runs from 13/04/2017 to 26/04/2017
    PS4 PRO 1TB BLK + PS4 Dishonored 2 + PS4 COD Inf War + PS4 Fallout 4 for $559 Runs from 13/04/2017 to 19/04/2017

  • +1

    someone tell me i dont need this

    • you don't need this! but i think this is almost the best price the pro has ever been - pair that with the sony tv deal at the moment…

    • +1

      You don't need this console but this is the console that you actually deserve.

      Just like Gotham deserves Batman. =D

  • Does JB-Hifi has price match ?

  • I'm about to jump ship from Xbox to PlayStation… My favourite game was the Gears of War series, until Judgment came out and then Gears of War 4 put the nail in the coffin.

    I've looked around online and in-store but can't seem to find a similar game on PlayStation… so, if anyone has suggestions, which games does PlayStation have that might be similar to the Gears games?

    • try Killzone and resistance, these are on PS3 and killzone shadow fall is the latest one on PS4? Uncharted series is also fun, but more like Tomb Raider with puzzle solving.

    • Gears 1 was a landmark on the 360. Blew my mind. Gears 2, played it…can't remember it. 3 tried many times, couldn't finish it. Judgement tried, no go. The conclusion i can draw from this is that the gameplay is solid for what it is, but the formula is to narrow to carry it over the years. If you got sick from overplaying the first one, the follow ups can't reinvigorate things.

      So that leaves 3rd person cover based games. Try The Last of Us, it will alter your perception of what heights games can reach.

      • Thanks for your answers…

        I thought Killzone was a first person game and The Last of Us was some kind of adventure and problems solving game. Time to YouTube these games and solidify my move.

  • "Xbox One S 500GB console + Forza Horizon 3 (download token) + Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare for $299 (online only)"

    Can someone post the link? Or is it only available on 14th?

  • So many last regrets buying the slim over pro from few months ago even although I mainly use 1440p monitor :(

    This is great bundle for people who just want to mainly play ps4 exclusives

  • Is it worth getting the Pro version? Does it work better with PS VR?

    • +2

      Pro has more grunt for VR.

  • awesome deal!
    Will trigger the purchase.

    Not interested in wildland, COD and watchdog, so the $50 off from the bundles Plus Horizon Zero Dawn sounds great.

  • There is a PS4 Pro bundle with Dishonored 2, Fallout 4 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare available on Big W website now for $559, fyi.

  • Just grabbed thee Pro+HZD at Eastland. They have 3 Pros left.

  • -1

    Anyone got one of these PS4 Pros can tell me what firmware it shipped with?

  • -1

    I would wait further for an Xbox one

  • South Yarra have sold out.

  • -1

    Just nabbed one at big w highpoint. Still some left.

    Was set on a slim coz of budget reasons. Slim 1TB sold out. So walked out with a pro. YOLO.

    Bloodborne: I'm coming for you !

  • Just tried to get the PS4 Pro deal from Brisbane city. They said they had no record of it.

  • +1

    Oh man, I had a fine time arguing with the staff member at the entertainment counter of my local store today over the pro bundle. Gather around, fine people of OzBargain, and allow me to regale you with the tale of my epic boss battle.

    I was already weary and battle experienced after arguing on the phone with three people at Target over their slim bundle being "totally real you guys please for the love of all things holy just check for me" so I thought I was armed with all that I needed for this latest encounter. Bam! "This is an in-store only offer that started today and is not in the catalogue nor the website." The opponent counters by… looking up the website. Okay, repeat previous attack. "Uh, it's in-store only. You won't see it online. Can you please check the system or ask someone else?" The opponent repels the attack! Switch weapon. OzBargain post equipped. The opponent examines the weapon and concludes that I am apparently an idiot who can't tell the difference between the Big W website and another website. "See, this isn't Big W. It's Oz… Bar… Gain." The opponent calls for help! Staff Member 2 has been summoned! Weapon attack misses. Misses like you would not believe. "Did you see this in an email? You probably got a scam email or something." Mana levels dangerously low. Fleeing is starting to sound like a great idea. The conflict has attracted the attention of Staff Member 3! Another opponent enters the fray! Weapon durability down to 10%. Half-heartedly offer weapon. Maybe he can just finish me with my own weapon and be done with it. "This looks like one of our ads." Staff Member 1 uses scepticism. It's not very effective. Mana steadily begins regenerating. Staff Member 3 joins the party! "Go scan the items and see what comes up." Ultimate attack 499 unleashed. You won! Collect loot.*

    I came back around an hour later to find that they had printed out the bundles mentioned in this thread and stuck them up on the wall. Enjoy, all ye who come after me.

    *I decided to buy a WW eGift card to save an extra 5%. It still has not arrived. As of right now I do not have my PS4. This has been a tough day. Never again, mates. OriginalDelBoy, thank you for being the MVP.

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