Europe in July - Itinerary Feedback

Hi everyone,

just hoping for some feedback on our itinerary.

We're a late 20s couple, no kids landing in London on July 3rd. Our itinerary is so far:

London 3rd til 10th July


Amsterdam 10th to 13th


Copenhagen 13th to 16th


Barcelona 16 to 21st


Milan 21st to 23rd


Venice 23rd to 25th

collect hire car until we get to Rome

Florence 25th to 27th

Bracciano 27th to 28th

Positano 28th to 31st

Sorento 31st to 1st

Rome 1st to 4th

If anyone has recommendations of things to do, where/not to stay feel free to let me know. I've made free cancellation bookings everywhere, but happy to listen.


  • No Paris?? Personally I would choose Paris over Copenhagen, and as you don't seem to mind driving would rather drive than fly everywhere. The countryside and small towns between the cities are amazing, particularly France

    • Not keen on Paris, only considered Southern France (Nice) but decided against it. Copenhagen is a must for a particular event.

      Driving or even train between the places is too long, flying is the only real way.

      • Fair call if you only want to see the big cities.
        For me part of the attraction of vising a country is getting out of the cities and off the beaten track, travelling through the countryside an visiting some out of the way places. Getting to and from airports, security checks etc uses up time as well.
        But to each their own, I am sure you will have a great trip.

  • I think you have too much time in London and not enough elsewhere, e.g. in Florence. You need to allow time to drive, get settled into your hotel, etc. You will probably find a lot of the attractions crowded in July. If you are driving to Positano then consider dropping by Pompei for a look. We found the hop on/hop off good in Rome but it does get crowded; we just pushed in. Would recommend Sienna as a day trip. Walled Medieval city with a fantastic Duomo and Baptistry. If you are lucky the floor might be uncovered. TThe Cinque Terra is a great couple of days if the walks are open.

    Enjoy the trip.

    • And no Greece….. and every other European countries. OP will be banned from Europe after this trip so he must visit every country now or never!

  • and before Trumpet pushes the Nuke key.

  • I'd say it's a fairly decent itinerary in respect to time spent in each location.

    Are you after advice on what to see where or what people would suggest to change? If it's what to see maybe list some ideas so we know what things you're in to.

    Personally I'd catch the train from London to Amsterdam, you'll end up spending less time from hotel to hotel and without as much hassle with airport transfers/security etc. not to mention a trip through the chunnel is an experience in itself. The price should be around the same as a full service flight.

    The other thing I'd suggest is skipping Milan, it just doesn't offer much for a tourist when you compare to what else is on offer in Italy.

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