Flesh-Eating Ulcer Known As Buruli

I have never heard before of this disease but after seeing what it does (if you Google it, be prepared to see horrible images so think twice before you do because it's really nasty stuff and just yesterday some guy lost all his limbs due to it).

After some research on the web, it is not clear the cause, some people blame spiders, other possums, but nothing is sure so my question for you is: did you see or do you know of anyone having the diseases outside of your mainland?


  • Outside of my mainland? My Tasmanian girlfriend gave me a rash once, does that count?

    • +3

      I'm confused … isn't that your sister?

    • I'm talking about a serious disease. Not the minor rashes by your girlfriend.

    • That would be called Herpes.

      • +1

        How simplex

  • Prevalence is extremely low; calculated to be less than 1 in 100,000 but this figure doesn't consider locality. It's also geographically confined within Australia to Victoria's Port Phillip Bay Region, Queensland's Far North and the Northern Territory.

    Remember Ebola? Member H1N1? Member Bird Flu? Member Buruli? wait …

    Interesting to note that during the Swine and Bird Flu pandemics more people died of the standard influenza strain than of these media hyped strains^.

    ^ Many pigs and birds were harmed in the response to these pandemics.

    • Has the cause of this disease discovered till yet?

      • +1

        Most infections occur close to bodies of water. The general consensus is that insects are responsible for transmission.

        • I have heard that the white-tailed spider is the cause. If one doesn't know the cause then God knows, how will we prevent ourselves from the disease.

        • @MiniatureDino: Cancer has a far higher prevalence and recent studies indicate that, excluding lifestyle and predisposition as causes, one is at the mercy of random gene mutation which is also the highest cause. Sometimes there is nothing you can do as god literally plays dice with the universe.

          But in terms of Buruli one could drastically minimise the risk of contracting by avoiding areas where cases have been reported.

        • +2

          @MiniatureDino: This one has been doing the rounds for years; IMO any specific tissue death from a White-Tip/Tailed spider is almost certainly going to be from bacteria transmitted in the wound site rather than any sort of tissue necrotising action of the spider's venom, so likewise you could find that there is tissue damage from any type of spider bite rather than specifically a White-Tail spider where bacteria is able to invade the wound.

        • @MiniatureDino: i believe it was the bacteria on thw spiders bite that did the extra damage.

        • @kywst: And how could we simply know each and every case of such diseases that are not even reported?

          Anyways, what I understand is to stay away from animals and insects and NEVER take Spiders that lightly to crush and kill them with bare hands!

        • @Jawanzar: Thanks for the info dude. Not only white-tailed spiders but every insect can do a little or a big harm to humans.

        • @MiniatureDino: Trollolololol

  • This has nothing on Fournier Gangrene.

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