This guy offered to make me a $400 pc using some of his own parts including a gtx 750 ti 500w psu i5 8 gb ram and windows 10 is this worth or is there a better pc I can build around $400
Guy Building Me $400 Pc Is It Worth It or Build My Own

yep this
What is 42
please google "the answer to life the universe and everything"
i'm guessing you are late teens/early 20's?
Oh ahahaha i remember now what a joker XD yeah im late teens turning 17
Need specifics and all parts to provide you a definitive answer.
Personally, I prefer to build my own so I get warranty from day 1 and no old technology.
Read Douglas Adam's book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
They also had a mini-series back 20 years ago when I was a kid. It went on forever. I think it was on ABC TV 2 then. I loved it!
Memories dim with age. ABC2 didn't start until 2005. It was definitely on the one and only ABC channel back then.
Sounds like a computer built using old/spare parts.
It could be decent… but depends on the specifications.
CPU: "Core i5" -what? I'm guessing its a Quadcore… hopefully… but I think at that price its a Core i5-4430.
GPU: GTX 750 Ti (does it run fine, or a bad/rma unit ?)
RAM: 8GB. Sure but is it DDR3 or DDR4… or more importantly how many channels and what speed and voltage
PSU: 500W… is it an OEM crap one? Is it Modular? What efficiency?
Storage: HDD or SSD? Or maybe two drives one for OS and other for large storage? What models/specs?
Case: No frills? Something compact? Something professional?
Windows 10: Licensed? or Pirated?Also depends on what you want to do with it.
What do you want it for?
Overwatch… yeah should be okay.
Excel and surfing… no worries.
Wanna do video editing and graphics applications? Forget it?
How about playing the newest games at 60fps, on High Settings, at 1440p? Nope.Usually for ~$1K you could build a great computer with everything future-proofed, minus the GPU.
For ~$1.5K you could build a great pc.But none of that matters… what do you want to do with the PC ?
@Kangal I want to play 1080p medium 60 fps is tehre a buid u could show me for around 400?
also the ram is ddr3 psu antec 500w storage 500gb hhd comes with case and windows 10 pro in hhdAlso needs to be able to do a spell check. (Not in the Harry Potter sense.)
The 750Ti is the bare minimum for a 1080p card, so it'll be okay for most titles as long as you keep the settings down a bit.
As to how it runs you can watch this video and see for yourself.
Anyway it's hard to judge the value of a PC with so little information and your spelling is also atrocious. Put a little more effort into your posts and you might get the answer you want from this forum.
You didn't mention what generation the Core i5 is (could be anything from first-gen Nehalem from 2012 to a more recent 4th gen Haswell) and what brand the power supply is (could be generic and worthless)
Worrying about PSU brand is not something this user should be doing.
Seems like entry level gaming 1080p with all minimal settings :-)
Based on Whirlpool users suggestions you cannot get near $400 for a new budget gaming PC:…
Just for context I picked up a prebuilt pc from pcbyte for $415.20 with i3-6100, h110m, 8gb ddr4, 1tb hdd during their 20% off eBay sale.
Get yourself an RX460 for $120(?) If you are a student you can get Windows 10 for free. Finally is the PSU. You can get a decent PSU for like this for $80 during a 20% off eBay sale and sell off the one inside. In total, that's like ~600 if you wanted something new. So $400 isn't a bad price I guess. Just depends what the rest of the components are.
Much as it pains me to say it, for that sort of money you're better off with a console IMO…
name checks out.
Your choices are:
1) burnt at the stake
2) walk the plank
3) Join /r/pcmasterraceAlready a card carrying member of the pc master race, I just don't see how you can build a PC that will offer a better gaming experience than a console for $400.
Got $1000+ to spend? Now we're talking!
Merged from Wondering If PC is worth it for $400 and if I should make my own
OK I'm gonna step up my post game :D I already have an xbox one s just wanna venture into pcs since it intrigues me :)
Found out the specs:
Intel i5 650 3.2 gz
asus 750 ti 2 gb
8 gb ddr3
500 gb hhd
antec vpa500p
2tb hhd with windows 10 proffessional
Case is included
My question is if it can run gta 5 at medium high settings 1080pThanks guys :) my first pc so still a noob just wondering am i getting the value for 400
GTA 5 Minimum specifications:
OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2* (*NVIDIA video card recommended if running Vista OS)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
Memory: 4GB
Video Card: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
HDD Space: 65GB…
So how would my pc do in medium high settings 1080p
You can expect an average of 35-40 FPS on 1080p performance isn't great, your Xbox one would pull off better framerates in GTA5. Though there are plenty of other titles you can play on PC that you can't on Xbox.
I didnt buy his offer but I bought another pc with amd fx 6300 with r9 280x 3gb and 2tb hdd with windows 10 pro for $550 hows this
Its gumtree so not officially bought yet
It's a lot better, managing 50 FPS on average in GTA. That's about the level of performance an Xbox1 would provide.
The FX6300 CPU is also kind of below average when it comes to gaming performance, so things like shadows and physics effects in games should be turned off if you want better frame rates.
Do u think I'll get better fps if I upgrade the cpu and what cpu is cheap but would increase the performace with my 280x
could try a used FX 8320 CPU. Worth maybe a $100 dollars used. They are $169 new.…
from ur video the 50 fps is in ultra settings isnt console in like medium 30 fps or something XD
Mate. Only you can answer that question. There is not much margin in PCs.
If you enjoy building your own PC then do that. Don't ask us.It would be better off buying an xbox one S
less issue with upgrades, games just work, no upgrade issues
I have a console, and a main PC (gtx970, 64gb ddr4 ram) which gets less use than my xbox One
550 is a bit of a ripoff for that hardware today but horses for coursesOp owns a console
sell ur pc to me for 500? XD
If you can stretch your budget a bit, I'd try and grab a complete i5-2500k build from ebay for around $200-250 and then chuck an RX480 in it (Sapphire RX 480 is around 289 at umart).
Should keep you sorted for 1080p 60fps @ near max to max settings in most games.
I got a i5 4670k 16 gb ram pc with 1070 8gb from another seller for total 800 dollars ahahha i lucked out enjoying my ultra graphics
Nice dude. Hope you've oc'd that bad boy.